Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Q&A on YHWH and Hebrew

December 31st, 2014
Courtney Kincel Silberman December 31, 2014 Happy New Year, friends! I am having a difficult time with this question. Does anyone have any suggestions they could offer? Question: When God tells Moses his name , he said in Hebrew. Ehyeh Asher ehyeh , not Yahweh. I'm just in need of clarification how Yahweh replaced ehyeh as God name Like · Seen by 15 Ed Chait likes this. Justin Tilghman From my "beginning" knowledge of Hebrew, "Ehyeh asher ehyeh" is actually translated . . .

Help with a Q on what Joseph feared in taking Mary as his wife

December 26th, 2014
Danielle Swiontek‎Got Questions Writers December 26 at 12:31pm · Hi everyone! Can you help me with a question? This man is wondering WHAT Joseph feared, exactly, in taking Mary as his wife. What is the cultural background here? Would he have feared his own social outcasting or death or something else? Or just that Mary would face those things? What happened to couples who were legally married yet not living together yet, and found to be with child? I'm not sure where to go for this kind of cultural history...any . . .

Language Level and Questioner Profile

December 26th, 2014
Vincent Trigili Yesterday at 6:20am I have a question to answer today, and I know the answer, but something concerns me ever so slightly... the profile says from "Europe" and the question reads like English is a second, or even third language for the asker. The asker is either really poor with email, or weak in English. So should I work extra hard to make sure the language and grammar are as easy as possible, or not worry about it? Like · Seen by 31 Ed Chait likes this. Evan . . .

Pastor Performing Wedding Ceremony for Couple who have both had Multiple Previous Marriages

December 22nd, 2014
Laurel J. Davis December 20 at 10:46pm · Los Angeles, CA · Edited My own question for you all: Given what God's Word says about divorce and re-marriage, what would God say a pastor should do if he's been asked to marry a couple where the man has already been married 4 times before and the woman 3 times before, and they both profess to be Christians? Would it be okay or not okay biblically for the pastor to marry them? And would it be okay for them to get married? Like · Seen . . .

Question on Time of the Gentiles and Jerusalem under Gentile Rule

December 19th, 2014
Kristi-Joy Matovich December 18 at 11:29pm · Edited Would appreciate some help on this: Is it correct to consider Jerusalem to be under Gentile rule? Or is it only part of Jerusalem? Or am I working on bad information altogether? The context of my question is whether the prophetically proclaimed "time of the Gentiles" necessarily includes the Gentile rule of Jerusalem. I know a number of you spend a lot of time on such topics, so I'd appreciate your help! Like · Seen by 36 MeLissa . . .

Q&A on Whether One Can Deny Christ to Avoid Martyrdom and Be Forgiven

December 16th, 2014
Ed Chait December 15 at 1:30pm Due to current world events, I thought I would post my answer to this timely question. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome. Question 372716: In the face of death, can a saved person deny his faith in Christ, and accept allah. After escaping death, confess it and still remain saved? Note: Profile: Male 46-60 North America Hello and thank you for your question. You ask a good and timely question, considering what is going on in the world today. The answer is that a saved . . .

Question from someone practicing witchcraft

December 14th, 2014
Laurel J. Davis December 12 at 2:20pm · Los Angeles, CA Hello, Saints! Got a great question (or questions) from a person struggling with obeying God and practicing witchcraft. And then of course they tagged on another question at the end about exorcism. I'm going to have a busy weekend! Much more importantly, please pray for this person (no profile details provided), for their salvation (actual or assurance) and deliverance from demonic practices. Here is the question: I'm thanking you for answering an email . . .

Any meaning to the number 11? (occult links)

December 14th, 2014
Lori DeGrazia December 12 at 6:50pm Hello friends, was just speaking with a friend (a Christian) who is trying to find out if there is anything Biblical about the number 11. She has two friends who say they are being "haunted" by the number 11. Anyone ever hear of this? I find her question very interesting in view of the question just posted by Laurel. I've done a little bit of study on the occult and wouldn't be surprised if this isn't some type of demonic attack. Would appreciate any thoughts. Thank you very much. Like . . .

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a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement