Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Selected Notes of Appreciation and Testimonials from August 2024

September 3rd, 2024
Dear [Answer Team Member], thank you soooo much for taking the time to read my questions and answering them with so much care and love and leading me to trust in Christ more. I am wanting to grow in my faith and your input and willingness to pray for me and the people I love has inspired me to not grow weary and give up. I know that nothing is impossible for God. Thank you for praying for my family and for the person who called me a martyr! God bless. Dear [Answer Team Member], Thank you so much for the COMFORTING answers to my question. I needed . . .

Selected notes of appreciation from July 2024

August 1st, 2024
I also want to thank you so much for this ministry. It's helped me get a much better understanding of things I used to feel very uncertain about. I'm sure it has deepened the faith of many Christians and will continue to do so! Wow, thanks for the response, definitely insightful. I have no new question I just wanted to thank you for acknowledging my question and taking time out of your busy schedule to give me a very good and comprehensive answer. Blessings!! Thank you, several things you mentioned were already in my mind and reading your answer . . .

Selected notes of appreciation from June 2024

July 1st, 2024
Thank you for helping people to understand the Bible in simple ways. I love the videos! God bless & keep up the good work. This is to Brother [Writer]. Brother I'm really thankful for your reply. Its helping me alot. Please remember me in your prayers. Im naveen from India. Thank you So much. I have been a Christian for over 50 years and I want to pay your organisation a grateful compliment. Every time I read Got Questions and listen to your podcasts I get energised, learn something new and I 100% appreciate how easy to use your . . .

Selected notes of appreciation from May 2024

June 3rd, 2024
Not really a question but wanted to say thank you to [Writer] for her wonderful response to my initial question. She answered it and backed it up with scripture. Thank you for being a place of refuge for people with questions when they don't know who to ask. Again thank you so much. God bless all of you tremendously. [Writer], I thank you very much for your time in your detailed answer.  First I'd like to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the answer I was seeking or should I say what I Needed. … Your answer helped . . .

Selection of notes of appreciation and testimonials from April 2024

May 1st, 2024
Thank you so much! I appreciate your time spent on this question. Over the years, your website has been a huge blessing to me! I would just first of all like to thank you for your ministry, it is truly a blessing to the church, please keep doing what you are doing. I thank God for the work of ministry you are doing to teach/help the body of Christ. Got questions is real relevant to everyone who wants to know more about God and the Bible. Your website has been a tremendous help to our ministry. Thanks for the hard work of discerning God's . . .

Selection of testimonials and notes of appreciation from February 2024

March 4th, 2024
From a questioner: I don’t have a follow up question, but I wanted to write & tell y’all thank you. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question & help me understand what I was asking. I’ve overcome my fear and I am now in a physical church. I have spoken to the pastor and I’m going to join the church AND be baptized this coming Sunday! Praise God! Wanted to say thank you for helping me get into church because I know it’s essential. Just, thank you?? From a questioner: Many thanks to [Volunteer] for his answer to . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from January 2024

February 1st, 2024
Thank you [volunteer]! You put a lot of work into that and I really appreciate it!! I will continue to read over what you wrote and think on what you said! Again thank you very much and God bless you as you help people like me who need to discuss these things and get good perspectives!! Thank you so very kindly for the in depth information and solid practical ways to strengthen my faith. I asked so many people this and they couldn’t even give an answer for some reason. I really appreciate this a lot for walking me through this step by step . . .

Selected notes of appreciation and testimonials from December 2023

January 3rd, 2024
From a questioner: Hello, I want to thank you, first, for faithfully following what God has called you to when starting this website. This website has helped me greatly in my faith journey, but has also taught me the importance of asking questions with a Biblical mindset and heart. From a questioner:  First, I love this site! I get lost in here for hours! I am a Bible believing conservative Christian and I am so thankful for this resource and share it with everyone I can. From a questioner: Thanks for sharing your answer and insight, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement