Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Note from Gwen for August 2024

August 1st, 2024
Happy August, all! I've been thinking lately about the power of God's Word. Truly it is a treasure trove, and we will never fully plumb the depths. I love how God makes His Word alive to us; passages we've read hundreds of times take on new meaning to encourage us, spur us on, correct us, or give us direction at just the right time. Familiar favorites direct our steps and consistently remind us of truth. And, of course, not-so-familiar passages do the same. As 2 Timothy 3:16–17 says, Scripture is certainly quite useful. It is no mere instruction manual; . . .

Selected notes of appreciation from July 2024

August 1st, 2024
I also want to thank you so much for this ministry. It's helped me get a much better understanding of things I used to feel very uncertain about. I'm sure it has deepened the faith of many Christians and will continue to do so! Wow, thanks for the response, definitely insightful. I have no new question I just wanted to thank you for acknowledging my question and taking time out of your busy schedule to give me a very good and comprehensive answer. Blessings!! Thank you, several things you mentioned were already in my mind and reading your answer . . .

Monthly Stats from July 2024

August 1st, 2024
9,415,345 users of across all languages 15,513,015 sessions on across all languages 19,945,531 pageviews of articles across all languages 319,281 views of dedicated gospel presentation pages across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages 9,016 professions of faith in Jesus Christ, as counted by the "I have accepted Christ today" link on our gospel presentation pages across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages 3,061 questions submitted to . . .

Sample Q&A from July 2024

August 1st, 2024
**This response is biblically sound, has logical flow, provides clear explanations, and is personable in tone. It answers the question directly, gives biblical support, and highlights foundational theological truths.** Question: How could time not have existed before God made creation when going from uncreated to created requires a time frame? Answered by: Carl Gobelman, who has been serving on our Q&A Answer Team since June 2006. Answer: Greetings and thank you for your question. A relatively simple question that is treading into . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for August 2024

August 1st, 2024
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. Praise God for His continued faithfulness to, provision for, and protection of Got Questions Ministries. Truly He provides for each need, no matter how small. Please pray that God will continue to protect the ministry and its work. Pray for all the technology to run smoothly, for favor with search engines, for awareness of spiritual realities, and for hearts to remain steadfast. 2. Praise God for the myriad ways He invites us into His kingdom work and uses Got Questions . . .

Scripture for August 2024

August 1st, 2024
"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven     and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout,     giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;     it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,     and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." – Isaiah 55:10–11 (ESV) "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement