Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Note from Gwen for August 2024

August 1st, 2024

Happy August, all! I’ve been thinking lately about the power of God’s Word. Truly it is a treasure trove, and we will never fully plumb the depths. I love how God makes His Word alive to us; passages we’ve read hundreds of times take on new meaning to encourage us, spur us on, correct us, or give us direction at just the right time. Familiar favorites direct our steps and consistently remind us of truth. And, of course, not-so-familiar passages do the same. As 2 Timothy 3:16–17 says, Scripture is certainly quite useful. It is no mere instruction manual; it is God-breathed. It’s God’s revelation of Himself to humanity through language. It’s the unfolding narrative of creation, fall, promise, redemption, and restoration. It helps us know and love God, live His ways, and anticipate the fullness of what He is doing. It orients us to reality, grounds us in truth, and gives us hope. The way the Spirit uses the Word in the lives of people continually amazes me.

As you know, at Got Questions Ministries, we seek to glorify God and reach people for Christ by providing biblical answers to spiritually-related questions. You are a major part of accomplishing this mission! Your commitment to integrity to God’s Word and your reliance on the Holy Spirit to convey truth in love have an incredible impact on questioners. We know God uses the study in your lives, too, and we rejoice in that. So thank you for loving God, for seeking Him, and for leading others to do the same. We so appreciate you!

I hear Jude 1:24–25 every Sunday, and it seems like a fitting way to send you into the month of August (see above). Be encouraged by God’s faithfulness and the joy that exists in relationship with Him. Thank you for sharing the knowledge and love of Him with so many others through your ministry with GQM. We love serving with you!

In Christ,

Gwen (for the Got Questions Ministries Staff)

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement