Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Volunteer Writers’ Handbook

June 2nd, 2023
Thanks to your feedback and the efforts of Jeff Laird, we now have an official Got Questions Q&A System Volunteer Writers' Handbook! We'll send out a separate email with more information. In short, the goal is to better equip you for the work of ministry by providing guidelines, writing tips, and general information on ministry functionality. You can download it here: . . .

Taking Breaks

May 1st, 2023
We are consistently blessed by how much volunteers love serving, but we also know answering questions can become cumbersome, often due to other life realities or due to ministry burnout. If you find yourself rushing responses, regularly feeling frustrated by questions, regularly feeling overly burdened, or just too busy to give questions the time and attention you'd like to, it might be wise to take a brief break. If you are feeling this way and would like to take a more extended break, please let me (Gwen) know. I would love to support you and . . .

Got Questions’ international resources are growing!

October 4th, 2022
We're delighted to announce that recently launched content in Spanish! We are so grateful to our translator and to the staff who processed it all, and we're joyfully anticipating what God will do through it. You can view that here: Did you know that Got Questions has content in 186 languages, with functional Q&A systems for several of those? You can check those out here: As alluded to above, we also have videos in multiple languages! You . . .

Answering Tips

January 4th, 2021
Our aim is to answer the specific questions asked with the truth of God's Word. That being said, the gospel, of course, is always relevant. If a gospel presentation fits naturally into any given response you are preparing, please feel free to include it. It's best when the presentation flows along with the response rather than it coming as a large addendum or a seemingly abrupt change of topic. So please don't force it or feel you need to always tack it on. However, there are a lot of ways to share the truth of . . .

Bible Version in Responses

November 29th, 2019
Due to the diversity of questioners we interact with, we strongly suggest using a Bible version that will be easy to understand for most people who speak and write English. Many of our questioners are non-native English speakers and teens. We also have questioners who are unfamiliar with the Bible as a whole. We want our responses to be as accessible and clear as possible—it's important for people to know God's truth, so we try to give it to them in language they can comprehend. This means we would ask you to refrain from using the KJV. If you . . .

YouTube Channel

April 2nd, 2018

We're continually expanding our YouTube channel with new videos. If you've not seen them, you can check them out here:
The majority of our videos are linked to our articles, but we thought there was room for a little fun, too … This video features some epic auto-correct fails in the Q&A system: Enjoy!
We also have a new Got Questions Ministries informational video in the works. So please be praying for that. We'll let you know when . . .

15th Anniversary Training Sessions

July 7th, 2017

We had a great time at our 15-year anniversary celebration in late June. Thank you so much for your prayers for the event! Thank you, too, to all who came; it was wonderful to meet you! And thank you to those who participated via Facebook; it was great to have you present from afar. For those who were unable to attend, know you were missed and that we are grateful to you as well. We're always happy to meet our volunteers, so if you ever find yourself in Colorado Springs, please come say hello.

If you are interested in any of the training sessions, . . .

Reminders on Answering Questions

June 2nd, 2017

Just a few things to remember as we head into summer:
- Summer brings about travel, out of town guests, and stay-cations for many. If you will be unavailable to answer questions for any reason, please be sure to let us know so we can mark you out.
- If you receive a question that you will not have time to answer, do not know how to answer, or do not want to answer, please request reassignment as soon as possible. The due dates on questions do not change, so we need to reassign them as soon as possible to give the next writer enough time to respond . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement