Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Employee of the Month: KEVIN STONE

December 1st, 2013
Managing editor and second-longest on the job, Kevin's up. Kevin was born in Winona Lake, Indiana, but his family moved to Kansas City, Kansas, when he was 9 years old. He has been a Kansan ever since. He graduated from Calvary Bible College in 1987 with a degree in Radio Broadcasting. He has been doing studio and on-air radio production for the past 28 years. Kevin began writing short plays while in high school. He still writes and directs plays—about two a year—and as a playwright has 37 scripts published with several different companies. . . .

Writing Tips: Suicide

December 1st, 2013
Unfortunately the joy many of us experience during the holiday season also brings an increase in depression and thoughts of suicide for many. In case you receive a question that hints at suicidal ideation or have friends or family members talking about suicide, we thought we'd give you some tips. It can be nerve-wracking to receive a question that mentions suicide, especially if you've not been trained in suicide prevention. But don't freak yourself out about it. Recognize that this person's life is in God's hands. Seek the guidance of the Holy . . .

Prayer Requests: December 2013

December 1st, 2013

We would so appreciate your prayers for us. This month please specifically pray for:

1. December to be a very strong month financially. We need to finish 2013
strong so we can go into 2014 full speed ahead.

2. Wisdom and discernment for the various decisions the ministry and the staff
need to make.

3. Protection over us and our families.

Please let us know if there is a way we can be praying for you!

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement