Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Volunteer Writers’ Handbook

June 2nd, 2023
Thanks to your feedback and the efforts of Jeff Laird, we now have an official Got Questions Q&A System Volunteer Writers' Handbook! We'll send out a separate email with more information. In short, the goal is to better equip you for the work of ministry by providing guidelines, writing tips, and general information on ministry functionality. You can download it here: . . .

Writing Tips for October 2022

October 4th, 2022
When answering questions, it's helpful to give a direct answer up front and then build it out with more background information, explanation, and application points. This helps the questioner focus in on the main points to better digest them as well as assures the questioner that their question will be answered. We want to make the information as accessible as possible. When answering questions, it can also be helpful to provide succinct definitions for any terms that people use in slightly nuanced ways that make . . .

Answer Reminders

August 1st, 2022
Please be sure to answer the posed question directly. It is often helpful to address underlying questions as well, but we always want to make sure to answer the actual question, too.Please use Scripture to support your answer. Our answers should be grounded in God's Word, and we want to demonstrate to questioners how to use the Bible appropriately. Please feel free to model to questioners how to study the Bible on one's own. In giving an answer, you can also show how you arrived there.  Please err on the side . . .

Dashboard Tips

July 1st, 2021
Dashboard: You can do a lot here! The dashboard gives you access to assigned questions, responses awaiting our approval, approved responses, and parts of your writer profile. If you click on "Hello Your Name!", you'll enter a screen where you can mark yourself in and out of the office, note preferred days to receive assignments, and change your areas of interest. The login is at: Approved responses: You have access to all of your approved responses through the dashboard. To access those, login to the . . .

Assignment Tips

July 1st, 2021
Strange assignments: As you know, some question assignments are odd. Some may not seem exactly spiritually-related, others might come across as brash or insincere. As assignors, we do our best to filter out questions that are clearly not in our topic fields or in which questioners are overtly rude. However, we also do our best to make use of every opportunity to share the gospel. Often, responding with truth and kindness communicates the love of God well. So if we send you a question that seems a bit off, please pray and think through how you might . . .

Answering Tips

January 4th, 2021
Our aim is to answer the specific questions asked with the truth of God's Word. That being said, the gospel, of course, is always relevant. If a gospel presentation fits naturally into any given response you are preparing, please feel free to include it. It's best when the presentation flows along with the response rather than it coming as a large addendum or a seemingly abrupt change of topic. So please don't force it or feel you need to always tack it on. However, there are a lot of ways to share the truth of . . .

Got Questions Resources

October 5th, 2020
As you know, Got Questions Ministries is more than just Many of those other resources might be helpful to you or to others you know, so feel free to use and share. Here's a list: Got Questions YouTube channel – YouTube is the second largest search engine, so we're eagerly building up our collection of video versions of the articles. – This is a verse-by-verse commentary site. We currently have content for the majority of the New Testament, a significant portion of Genesis, some Psalms, some Proverbs, and . . .

Citation Reminder

October 5th, 2020
As a reminder, when we assign a question to you from the system we're anticipating an original response back from you, tailored to that specific questioner. You are more than welcome to use reliable outside sources in your response, including referring questioners to site articles that might fill in some gaps or provide extra information. But any time you do so, please be sure to cite your source. We want to give credit where it's due and be clear with questioners when the answer is coming uniquely from you or when it's coming from somewhere else. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement