Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Employee of the Month: SHEA HOUDMANN

October 10th, 2013
As founder, President, and CEO of Got Questions Ministries, we figured he should go first... Born in Corpus Christi, Texas and spending some growing up years in Grand Junction, Colorado, Shea received his bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and his master's degree in Christian Theology from Calvary Bible College and Calvary Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. He also met his wife—MeLissa—there. God gave Shea and MeLissa the dream for Got Questions Ministries in December 2001. It was a ministry that would match Shea's love for technology, . . .

Question Answering Tips

October 10th, 2013
• If there is demographic information in the question, take that into consideration before you answer. • Read between the lines a little. It's okay to ask curious questions of the questioner or to suggest that they may be asking about something they have not specifically stated. Of course, be respectful and don't assume, but you can use your intuition and follow the Holy Spirit's leading. • Be personable in your tone. Respond to the questioner as an actual person, not as a test question or an article prompt. • Don't feel pressured . . .

Prayer Requests: October 2013

October 10th, 2013

We would so appreciate your prayers for us. This month please specifically pray for:

1. Wisdom and discernment for the decisions we make.

2. Agreement with God’s plan for the future of the ministry.

3. Financial provision and good stewardship of what God has provided.

As always, please feel free to get in touch with us. If there is a way we can better serve you, a way we can be praying for you, or a suggestion or tip you’d like to share, we want to know. Email gwen (at) gotquestions (dot) org.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement