Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Note from Gwen for June 2024

June 3rd, 2024
Happy June all! It's hard to believe that we're almost halfway through 2024. As I look back on the first part of the year, I am in awe of God's faithfulness. He is, of course, always at work and ever faithful. I don't know what circumstances this newsletter finds you in, but I do know that God sees you and that He is with you in this season. I pray that you see clear evidence of that reality—through His Word, through His people, and in creation. If summer includes a change of pace for you, I'd encourage you to take some intentional time to . . .

Selected notes of appreciation from May 2024

June 3rd, 2024
Not really a question but wanted to say thank you to [Writer] for her wonderful response to my initial question. She answered it and backed it up with scripture. Thank you for being a place of refuge for people with questions when they don't know who to ask. Again thank you so much. God bless all of you tremendously. [Writer], I thank you very much for your time in your detailed answer.  First I'd like to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the answer I was seeking or should I say what I Needed. … Your answer helped . . .

Monthly Stats for May 2024

June 3rd, 2024
10,428,176 users of across all languages 16,736,300 sessions on across all languages 21,610,726 pageviews of articles across all languages 329,758 views of dedicated gospel presentation pages across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages 9,562 professions of faith in Jesus Christ, as counted by the "I have accepted Christ today" link on our gospel presentation pages across all Got Questions Ministries network sites in all languages 2,867 questions submitted to . . .

Sample Q&A from May 2024

June 3rd, 2024
** This response is biblically sound, scripturally supported, and written with logical flow. The question is answered directly, explanations are clear, and further resources are provided. A genuinely kind tone is maintained throughout. ** Question: Why is gentleness such an important factor in relationships in the church? Profile: Over 60 Answered by: Lester Smith, who has been serving on our Q&A Answer Team since June 2022. Answer: Hello and thank you for your question.  I will give you an answer from the Bible. In Galatians 5:22-23 . . .

Praises & Prayer Requests for June 2024

June 3rd, 2024
Thank you for praying! Here are some specific requests for this month: 1. The GQM staff will be having our annual retreat June 18th through 22nd. We'll be discussing GQM's mission and values, doing some strategic planning for the future, and bonding as a team. Please pray for wisdom, productive conversations, deepening relationships, and travel safety/logistics. Please also pray for the GQM staff spouses who will be joining as well as for kids or other family members at home. Pray for spiritual protection, biblical fidelity, and the guidance . . .

Scripture for June 2024

June 3rd, 2024
The heavens declare the glory of God,     and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech,     and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words,     whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth,     and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,     which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,     and, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement