Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Shea presenting GQ in Hawaii

May 31st, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann‎Got Questions Writers May 31, 2015 Shea had the honor of presenting GotQuestions at Westside Christian Center in Kekaha, Hawaii (Kauai) this morning. Now... off to the beach. Unlike · Comment You, Kristi-Joy Matovich, Ed Chait, Tim White and 4 others like this. Ed Chait Mahalo E Ke Akua No Keia La!See Translation 1 hr · Like Lea Ann Davis McCombs Wow, suffering for the Lord! lol! . . .

Social Media Update – GQ account

May 31st, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich‎Got Questions Writers May 31, 2015 Quick social media update: We've started a account, which is basically a platform that lets us pull targeted articles and information from all over twitter and elsewhere and put it into a daily "newspaper" format. Two things: if you want to look at it / follow it, check it out at the link below; and if you have any twitter accounts or ministries who post great content that you think would work well with what we already have, leave it in the comments and . . .

Writer Testimony about Assigned Questions

May 30th, 2015
Byron Earnheart May 29 at 11:01pm · Edited Just wanted to post a PTL! The last two questions I've gotten this week have had deep personal connections for me and there's no way the GQ staff could have known how God has made Himself real to me and my family in both of these unrelated topics. I like the questions that make me think and go to the Word, but I love those that hit a personal note. I thank God that we all are involved in a ministry where the Holy Spirit is working like He is. It humbles me to think about where . . .

Help with a Question on carnal dreams about ones spouse

May 30th, 2015
Tim White May 29 at 8:08pm OK, stumped. Any ideas? "Is it sinful to have carnal thoughts and dreams of your wife? If others were involved I think that is adultery, but only my wife are in them. We have been married almost 39 years and she is slowing down, me not so much." Like · Comment Seen by 47 Ed Chait likes this. Remove Lea Ann Davis McCombs Why would this be wrong? May 29 at 8:14pm · Like Remove Tim White Dreaming? out of his . . .

Encouragement from Questioners

May 29th, 2015

Thanks so much for all that you guys do. I come to this site nearly everyday. I can’t begin to explain how much of a help this has been to me especially because I don’t have anyone in my life right now that I can ask questions to and receive biblical answers. Your articles have been so helpful and a blessing to my relationship and understanding of God.


hello, I just want you to know you guys are doing a great job with this ministry. I use this EVERYDAY! And I refer so many people to this site.

Encouragement from a donor

May 29th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore May 28, 2015 · Colorado Springs, CO From a donor. Rather long, but worth it. Thank you so much for GotQuestions. The first time I attempted to read the Bible (John/Romans/Matthew/Torah) I became easily frustrated and gave up, simply because I could not understand the concepts presented due to translation and modern day language gaps (NIV), as well as a lack of knowledge about how anything worked from a biblical sense. Naturally I gave up because I didn't feel I was comprehending anything and was . . .

Help on a Question about Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jesus being the firstborn

May 29th, 2015
James Toland May 28 at 11:19am Fellow writers I need some of your wisdom in answering a question. I would rather not have it reassigned but I am not sure where to begin on the answer. Question is: "I believe Jesus is preeminent over creation but I am dealing with a Jehovah witness via e-mail and he of course thinks Jesus is created. When I explained to him Jesus is firstborn, meaning a title of sovereignty, or being pre-eminent over creation, he responded by asking why isn't the Father or the Holy Spirit said to be firstborn . . .

Question on Doubt / Not Feeling God

May 23rd, 2015
Ed Romero‎Got Questions Writers May 22, 2015 How do you counsel someone who prays and reads the Bible but doubts because she doesn't feel Him? Like · Comment Craig Simons I had doubts for quite a long time but I grabbed hold of God by faith/fact. I rested on the facts, not how I felt. Feelings vary and not only that can be deceiving. The facts are what they are. As the Scripture declares, "the heart is deceitful above all things" and "without faith, it's impossible to . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement