Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Writer Testimony about Assigned Questions

May 30th, 2015

Just wanted to post a PTL! The last two questions I’ve gotten this week have had deep personal connections for me and there’s no way the GQ staff could have known how God has made Himself real to me and my family in both of these unrelated topics. I like the questions that make me think and go to the Word, but I love those that hit a personal note. I thank God that we all are involved in a ministry where the Holy Spirit is working like He is. It humbles me to think about where He may take this ministry and to even play a small role in it…WOW…God is good and He is good all the time. Thanks, Gwen Sellers, for your email today. God used it to encourage!

I love my GQ brothers and sisters!

Ok, I’m off my touchy-feely pulpit! Lol

  • Ed Chait Love you too, Byron!
  • Marc Weiss Me too, Byron. I believe God speaks to me in some of the questions.
  • Dean Revell I have had a lot of questions from those who are going through times of darkness, who seem to have no hope or can see the light at the end of the tunnel……..some are very complex but I don’t think they would be coming my way if I didn’t already have some experience. what i find about this ministry is it sends me into God’s Word and that can’t be a bad thing, can it ? What truly amazes me though is that the Holy Spirit is prompting verses i wouldn’t normally recollect – I forget peoples names in a flash but the Word of God – well, thats a different department ! smile emoticon
  • Gwen Sellers God is truly awesome. The second one was assigned to you by Beth. Great job on both (and the recommendation was totally fine. Thanks for putting the disclaimer)!
  • Alyson Dreyer This ministry does as much, if not more, for us than it does for the questioners. We get to spend more dedicated time seeking Our Lord and he always rewards those who seek after him. He just takes my breath away.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement