Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank you!!

October 29th, 2019
November is Thanksgiving in the US, so we take the November staff newsletter as an opportunity to share a small portion about how grateful we are for the things God has done and is doing in and through Got Questions Ministries. He has been so faithful to this ministry for the past eighteen years since He first gave Shea and MeLissa the idea. We've seen the website article database grow, new websites added, apps created, articles turned into videos, and now even an Alexa skill created. Though the ministry has attempted to keep pace with the rapid . . .

Sample Q&A from July 2019

August 1st, 2019
This response is thorough, easy to understand, and personable. It answers the question clearly, explains Scripture in context, and even adds a related passage the questioner hadn't thought of. The response helps the questioner first understand the passages in question and then makes points of application. The tone is friendly. Question: Is there a relationship between gospel and feet? (according to Isa. 52.7, Nahum 1:15, Rom. 10:15 & Matt10:14? Profile: Male, Africa, Christian, 36–45 Answered by: William Stewart, who has been a . . .

Sample Q&A from June 2019

July 1st, 2019
SAMPLE Q&A FROM JUNE: ** This response is easy to understand and friendly in tone. It gives clear explanations and answers an additional question the response might raise for the questioner. It does a good job of helping teach the questioner some general information that could be helpful as he launches into his first in-depth read through of the Bible, yet remains focused on the question asked. ** Question: Hello, and thank you for your time. I have a question about Genesis 38:24. In the New International Version, it says that Tamar, . . .

Sample Q&As from May 2019

June 3rd, 2019
SAMPLE Q&A FROM MAY: ** This response is biblically sound, thorough yet concise, well written, and personable. The response is easy to understand, well organized, and clear. It gives helpful definitions and clarifications. The tone is friendly. **Question: Matthew 18:15–17 in what circumstances should you do this? Profile: Male, North America, 19–25Answered by: Vic Borden, who has been a volunteer with us since April, 2006. Answer: Thank you for writing to I trust I can be of help. Church discipline (the text you referenced) . . .

Question Answering Tips

April 2nd, 2019
Please capitalize the word "Bible" in your responses. If a question is unclear or you would like some more details from a questioner, please submit your request for clarification to the questioner as your response. We do our best to send questions that can be answered, at least in part, but certainly some questions need to be clarified or expounded upon before they can be answered, so feel free to correspond directly with the questioner. You are also welcome to ask clarifying questions of us if you think we might know to what a . . .

Sample Q&As from March 2019

April 2nd, 2019
**This response is concise and addresses the questioner's concerns clearly, in an easy-to-understand manner. It explains biblical truth, offers practical advice, and is friendly in tone. **Question: Hello! I'm a Christian in high school and I'll be applying for college soon. My question is, is there a way for Christians to list accomplishments and service on college applications in humility? It's seems so hard to balance Jesus's words about getting our reward on earth and writing our volunteering on applications. Many thanks Profile: . . .

Sample Q&A from February 2019

March 1st, 2019

**This response is concise yet thorough. It guides the questioner in how to appropriately understand context and provides him with a direct answer to the question posed, all with a friendly tone. **
Question:Are the multitude that John saw in Revelation 7:9 in heaven, or on earth?
Profile: Male, North America, 46—60
Answered by: Joe Ford, who has been a volunteer with us since February, 2013.
Answer: Thank you, sir, for your question. If we go back to chapter 4, we see that John is viewing his vision in Heaven as he was taken there . . .

Testimonials from February 2019

March 1st, 2019

From a site user: "I have been a Christian for many years, and continue to learn much from your site in addition to Gods word of course. I am so thankful for your website and all the many topics you carefully lay out with biblical truth and wisdom. God bless your ministry! Thank you so much, your ministry has advanced the kingdom of God. May God bless each of you."
From a questioner: "This is not a question but a word of encouragement. Thank you for providing a balanced, biblical, non-militant, gracious source for people to find answers to . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement