Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thank you!!

October 29th, 2019

November is Thanksgiving in the US, so we take the November staff newsletter as an opportunity to share a small portion about how grateful we are for the things God has done and is doing in and through Got Questions Ministries. He has been so faithful to this ministry for the past eighteen years since He first gave Shea and MeLissa the idea. We’ve seen the website article database grow, new websites added, apps created, articles turned into videos, and now even an Alexa skill created. Though the ministry has attempted to keep pace with the rapid change of technology and the venues people are using to ask questions, the heart of the ministry has never changed—this has always been about helping people find biblical answers to their questions about God. This ministry has always been enabled by God, and the fruit of the ministry is always to His credit and for His glory.

We’ve been amazed at the ways God has used the ministry to draw people to Himself and to change lives. We’ve also been continually blessed at the people He brings to share in the ministry, and the way He blesses those people. Over the years we’ve had various staff, contractors, volunteers, and donors. And each is one for whom we are grateful.

This month we’d like to especially highlight our gratitude for volunteers. The Q&A system has always been a key piece of And there is no way we could have a Q&A system without so many faithful volunteers. We are so thankful for each of you, whether you’ve served with us for a week or eighteen years! The November newsletter has become a special tribute to volunteers who celebrate their ten-year anniversary of serving with us. Posted separately you will find what some of our ten-year volunteers have to say. We hope you will be encouraged by their stories.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement