Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Volunteer Writers’ Handbook

June 2nd, 2023
Thanks to your feedback and the efforts of Jeff Laird, we now have an official Got Questions Q&A System Volunteer Writers' Handbook! We'll send out a separate email with more information. In short, the goal is to better equip you for the work of ministry by providing guidelines, writing tips, and general information on ministry functionality. You can download it here: . . .

Got Questions Resources

October 5th, 2020
As you know, Got Questions Ministries is more than just Many of those other resources might be helpful to you or to others you know, so feel free to use and share. Here's a list: Got Questions YouTube channel – YouTube is the second largest search engine, so we're eagerly building up our collection of video versions of the articles. – This is a verse-by-verse commentary site. We currently have content for the majority of the New Testament, a significant portion of Genesis, some Psalms, some Proverbs, and . . .

Recommended Resource from Robert LeClair

February 2nd, 2018

I use a computer program that is free called Bible Study, from Olive Tree bile software. I use a Mac platform, but i am pretty sure it comes for PC???



The Olive Tree Bible App by Olive Tree Bible Software
Bible Reading and Bible Study with the Olive Tree Bible App from Olive Tree Bible Software on your iPhone, iPad,...




It has been updated many times and is finally stable, and . . .

Writing Tips

May 5th, 2016

Ed Chait
Yesterday at 3:55am

Thought this could be helpful.

7 Writing Tips from Charles Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon is the most prolific Christian author of all-time. Prior to the standardization of typewriters—let alone the development of computers—Charles Spurgeon literally penned a boatload of content. He’s considered to be…










Seen . . .

Resources and Tips – April 2016

April 1st, 2016

- As a reminder, please assume that questioners are asking genuine questions and respond with grace. We do occasionally have hostile questioners, but generally speaking it is best to avoid responding with harsh language. So please give people the benefit of the doubt until they have proven themselves to be hostile.
- An article on persuasion recommended by Beth DeVore:
- An article . . .

Possibly helpful article on persuasion

March 18th, 2016

Beth DeVore
March 18, 2016· Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Thought this was interesting--and possibly helpful.

How to change someone’s mind, according to science
How to argue with someone so it works


. . .

Resource for Science Questions

February 11th, 2016

Steve Ray Webb

16 hrs

In my opinion, all Christians interested in the interaction between science and the Bible should be aware of the Disovery Institute located in Seattle. It is a Christian think tank dedicated to countering the humanistic values in our society. Among its senior scientists are people like William Dempski and Michael Behe, who have been instrumental in leading the fight against humanistic evolution with their paradigm shifting books introducing the powerful arguments of irreducile complexity. . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement