Team GotQuestions Blog

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Resource for Science Questions

February 11th, 2016

In my opinion, all Christians interested in the interaction between science and the Bible should be aware of the Disovery Institute located in Seattle. It is a Christian think tank dedicated to countering the humanistic values in our society. Among its senior scientists are people like William Dempski and Michael Behe, who have been instrumental in leading the fight against humanistic evolution with their paradigm shifting books introducing the powerful arguments of irreducile complexity. I encourage you to check them out.

Discovery Institute’s mission is to advance a culture of purpose, creativity and innovation in a diverse set of fields. This mission is achieved through education,…
Steve Ray Webb
Steve Ray Webb Sorry for mistyping irreducible. I wish spell check correction would work when I wanted it to.

Joe Maxey
Joe Maxey Thanks for posting, SRW!

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