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Language Level and Questioner Profile

December 26th, 2014

I have a question to answer today, and I know the answer, but something concerns me ever so slightly… the profile says from “Europe” and the question reads like English is a second, or even third language for the asker. The asker is either really poor with email, or weak in English. So should I work extra hard to make sure the language and grammar are as easy as possible, or not worry about it?

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  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Evan Plante I run into this all the time and have decided (for better or worse) to answer all questions with my normal diction. First, it “sounds” more honest, and second, the alternative may come across as patronizing. Third, an earnest questioner should be willing to “work” a little for the answer–even after it’s been revealed. (And then, there’s that Holy Spirit!)
  • Wendyl Leslie I’m with Evan on this. Sometimes the questioner isn’t all that fluid with the English language and you’ll find yourself re-reading it several times to decipher what they’re really asking (you hope). But, like Evan, always write in my normal “tone of voice.” Typically, if the questioner doesn’t understand what you’re saying, they’ll write back for a clarification.
  • Jeff Laird I don’t dumb it down, but I’m careful in those situations to keep the reading level simpler. Conversely, some questioners seem pretty high-level, and can handle a more sophisticated answer. I do agree, one shouldn’t sacrifice accuracy for readability.
  • Bruce Fox JESUS is love in any language. Give em heaven!

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