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Question from someone practicing witchcraft

December 14th, 2014

Hello, Saints! Got a great question (or questions) from a person struggling with obeying God and practicing witchcraft. And then of course they tagged on another question at the end about exorcism. I’m going to have a busy weekend! Much more importantly, please pray for this person (no profile details provided), for their salvation (actual or assurance) and deliverance from demonic practices. Here is the question:

I’m thanking you for answering an email that I have sent som

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  • Gina Cook Praying for this person. A thought I had when reading their comment on exorcism is that some witches are taught Matthew 12:43-45 to mean that they should go through exorcism in order to receive more evil power. So they seek it out, looking very genuine in wanting to seek God. Not saying that is what is going on here but it made me think of it.
  • Tim White A contradiction: follows all the rules of the Bible and practices witchcraft.
  • Laurel J. Davis Absolutely, Brother Tim. Exactly why I asked for prayer for this person. I look forward to the Holy Spirit ( through His Word) guiding me to make the contradiction plain to them.
  • Sarah Van Baale This person is probably from Europe or learned English in England – hence the name “Mum.” Not that it will change your answer, but it could give more insight as to where they are coming from.

    Edit: Upon reading this about 5 times, I’d bet the questioner is from Africa. Since witchcraft is so prevalent there, it would make sense that he/she would ask about it. The questioner also refers to Jesus and God as “them” and may not understand that there is only One True God.
  • Laurel J. Davis I was thinking the same things, Sister Sarah — from a country in Africa and educated in British English. Now, what do you all think about my injecting the Trinity into my response?
  • Sarah Van Baale I personally would just mention John 10:30 and direct the questioner to a couple of articles. To try and bite that off in this question along with all the other stuff you have to address would make your answer exceedingly long and complicated.
  • Ed Chait I can’t add anything to what’s already been suggested but I will pray for this person.
  • Lori DeGrazia You can mention Deut. 18:9-11. Prayed for you and this dear person.
  • Lori DeGrazia If you can get your hands on a copy of “The Kingdom of the Occult” by Walter Martin, it’s an excellent resource.
  • Lori DeGrazia Just a little side note: The Kingdom of the Occult is the follow-up to The Kingdom of the Cults.
  • Laurel J. Davis We have the first but not the latter. Didn’t know Martin wrote a follow-up. This is great, Lori.
  • Lori DeGrazia It’s actually written by his daughter, Jill Martin Rische and his researcher, Kurt Van Gorden, as Mr. Martin has gone to be with The Lord. However, they used Walter Martin’s notes, etc.
  • Laurel J. Davis I’ve met Jill. We invited her to speak at a women’s luncheon at my previous church several years ago. She shared her testimony about the occult. Thanks, Sis Lori.
  • Gwen Sellers Laurel, I just approved your answer. Great work!
    20 hrs · Like · 1
  • Laurel J. Davis Praise God! There were so many missing variables, I struggled not to try to address all the possibilities! Thank you, Sis.

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