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Any meaning to the number 11? (occult links)

December 14th, 2014

Hello friends, was just speaking with a friend (a Christian) who is trying to find out if there is anything Biblical about the number 11. She has two friends who say they are being “haunted” by the number 11. Anyone ever hear of this? I find her question very interesting in view of the question just posted by Laurel. I’ve done a little bit of study on the occult and wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t some type of demonic attack.

Would appreciate any thoughts. Thank you very much.

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  • Seen by 36
  • Robert Lowry Hi Lori, You have to be really careful about assigning meaning to numbers in the Bible. It’s pretty clear what some numbers mean in Biblical usage, like one, three, six, and seven. But there are many numbers where it’s a stretch to make them mean something. Eleven is one of those numbers. The more reliable commentaries do not include eleven in their discussions of numerology. Some occasionally mention it as representing disorder, judgment, and chaos. But I would be cautious in mentioning this to your friend. It would seem more appropriate to point people toward the comfort and assurance of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, rather than trying to divine meaning out of numbers. Hope this helps.
  • Lori DeGrazia Thank you very much – I greatly appreciate your input. Will pass this on.
  • Lea Ann Davis McCombs That’s strange because I have a client who has told me the same thing. She is a fairly new believer and really growing, but said she was being bombarded with that number also and wondered what it meant. I’d be interested too, if anyone has any ideas.
  • Lori DeGrazia I’ve just done a quick search and it seems this is somewhat of a phenomenon.
  • Lori DeGrazia Thank you,Lea Ann for commenting. My daughter is a counselor and I’ve just asked her about it…
  • Sarah Van Baale The number 11 is HUGE in the occult. I don’t know of any specific biblical connection.
  • Lori DeGrazia Thank you very much Sarah. That helps.
  • Christopher Dupre Yeah, forget the number and concentrate on the ‘haunting’. Trends happen, and people react to them. There is no significance to the number other than what people place on it. Satan can use anything to deceive and vex.
  • Ed Chait I’ll add distract to deceive and vex, although I guess distraction also falls under deception.
  • Marc Weiss Makes sense 11 would be huge in the occult – 1 short of 12. 666 is just short of a 7. Funny too because some older biblical manuscripts assign 616 to the antichrist. Either way, short of a 7.
  • Joe Maxey Marc, what “Biblical” manuscripts are you referring too?
  • Lori DeGrazia Yes, I agree. And fear is a huge arrow that Satan tries, often successfully, to use against believers and unbelievers. I’ve learned that it’s when we’re unaware of his schemes that we are very vulnerable (Eph. 6:11 and 2 Cor 2:11). Thank you all very much for your input. I’m passing all of it on to my friend.
  • Tim White The believer is to live free of superstitions and respect for any power other than that of Our God. What holds true for superstition holds true for over-kneaded biblical numerology ( Truly, Christ has freSee More
  • Marc Weiss Joe, I do not know exactly. The a few study Bibles have a footnote ONLY that say that. I Googled it to answer you and this is what I found. I am NOT lending credibility to it, just curious myself.…/666-or-616-the-number-of-the…/

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