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Question on Time of the Gentiles and Jerusalem under Gentile Rule

December 19th, 2014

Would appreciate some help on this: Is it correct to consider Jerusalem to be under Gentile rule? Or is it only part of Jerusalem? Or am I working on bad information altogether?

The context of my question is whether the prophetically proclaimed “time of the Gentiles” necessarily includes the Gentile rule of Jerusalem.

I know a number of you spend a lot of time on such topics, so I’d appreciate your help!

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  • Marc Weiss This is a good and tough question. It probably depends (as you said) on what part of Jerusalem.

    I am not the expert here, but it technically would be under gentile rule for the most part. I say that because of the dome where the Temple should be. I do believe the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37 is in process, but as of now, I would say gentile rule the purpose of the question. The way I see it, until Jesus returns, it has to be like that (time of the gentiles). If I am wrong, I am open to views… Maybe I am missing something.
  • Vincent Trigili The way I see it, which is probably not very PC, is unless a descendant of David is king, Then the time of the gentiles continues, and includes Jerusalem. There is no king, and I doubt anyone alive today could prove davidic descendants, so until Messiah returns, Jerusalem is under gentile control. IMO.
  • David Gump tricky one! on the fence for this one
  • Barbara Ann Reynolds Luke 21:24 explains “the times of theGentiles” in the context of the end times. From the time of the Babylonian captivity until the present are the times of the Gentiles. Even though Israel is a sovereign nation, they are NOT a theocracy under Jehovah, specifically Yeshua Hamaschiah. Gentile powers (particularly America) continue to supress Israel’s independent sovereign control. Finally, read Rom 11:25 in context (Israel’s future) and you understand that the hardening of their hearts is also part of the times of the Gentiles. God bless!
  • Tim White The time of the gentiles is specifically the time when God paused from viewing Israel as His kingdom and messengers (collectively), and their spiritual history experiences a time of death. The Church becomes the mission tool and is the focus of God’s development and God’s plan. Interestingly, Israel ceased being a Theocracy when they demanded a king and chose Saul. However, they were still the engine of God’s plan for mankind, until Christ.
  • Geoff Eachus Hi Kirsti_joy, The city of Jerusalem is presently under the rule of the gentiles, jews and arabs.It will only be after the rapture of the church and the Tribulation that Gods people, to whom Jerusalem really belongs, will retake ownership of Jerusalem and the rest of the Promised Luke 21:24 fulfillment will be at Armageddon when the time of the gentiles will be fulfilled.
  • Lori DeGrazia According to Dr. Arnold Fructenbaum (whom I quote regularly!) “The times of the Gentiles can best be defined as that long period of time from the Babylonian Empire to the Second Coming of the Messiah during which time the Gentiles have dominance over the City of Jerusalem. This does not rule out temporary Jewish control of the city, but all such Jewish control will be temporary until the Second Coming”. Footsteps of the Messiah, pg 21. Hope this helps:)
  • Kristi-Joy Matovich Thanks so much, all! Really appreciate your input.
  • Tim White Does anyone else see the ripping of the temple veil in this?
  • Timothy Craig Munger Currently, Jerusalem is still under the Times of the Gentiles. When you go there, you see it clearly. From false religion, to UN vehicles, to the media demanding a division of Jerusalem. The Times of the Gentiles refers to the time of Israel’s chastening. They began in 586 B.C. with the fall of Jerusalem, and will end at the 2nd Coming of Christ when He crushes the world powers gathered against Israel, and will save Israel both spiritually and physically (Romans 11:25-27; Isaiah 59:20-21; Zechariah 12-14; Daniel 2:44).
  • Ed Chait Now that you have mentioned it, yes, Tim, but now it’s the Gentiles who are on the inside.
  • Tim White Ephesians 2:17-23.
  • Ed Chait Amen Tim, anyone who wants to come inside can come inside.

    (Ephesians 3:6)

    This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

    (Gal 3:27-29)
    For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

    God is so amazing.

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