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Q&A on YHWH and Hebrew

December 31st, 2014

December 31, 2014

Happy New Year, friends! I am having a difficult time with this question. Does anyone have any suggestions they could offer?

Question: When God tells Moses his name , he said in Hebrew. Ehyeh Asher ehyeh , not Yahweh. I’m just in need of clarification how Yahweh replaced ehyeh as God name

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  • Ed Chait likes this.
  • Justin Tilghman From my “beginning” knowledge of Hebrew, “Ehyeh asher ehyeh” is actually translated “I will be that which I will be.” God actually uses the term “yahweh” later in the verse when he says “I AM (YHWH) has sent me to you. It’s important to note that YHWH is just a conjugation of the verb HYH which means “to be.” I don’t think God was stating His name when He said “Ehyeh asher ehyeh” but rather explaining His character. I do think His name is stated when He uses YHWH. God’s mind is so incredibly above our own that even His name exceeds our understanding and abilities to explain, haha. He is the One who has always existed and will always exist. Not only was He, but He is, and He will be. The One who IS has sent Moses to the people.

    I hope that helps. Or at the very least I hope that hasn’t muddied the waters even more, haha.

    Anyone with a more advanced understanding of Hebrew could probably tell you more.
    3 hrs · Like · 2
  • Stuart Mattfield Justin is correct. Exodus 3:14 is a conjugation of YHWH…It is worth noting that they used different names for the one God (Elohim, Addonai, Jehovah, etc.), but YHWH is the one name God gives to himself…and it declares his existence…I AM.

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