Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Theology Discussion – Calvinism, Arminianism, Molinism

January 4th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb January 3, 2015 at 5:49am I have always rejected a rigid Calvinist approach to salvation because it conflicts with all the Scriptures that place emphasis on personal responsibility, both in preaching the Gospel and in receiving it. But similarly, I have always rejected a rigid Arminian approach to salvation because it limits or reduces God's omniscience. To give it a label, I guess this puts me in the Molinist camp of taking a position somewhere in the middle (described pretty well in the article below . . .

Encouraging Words

January 2nd, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore January 2, 2015· Colorado Springs, CO An encouragement for the times you get a question that makes you question humanity: "I'm thankful that you guys receive questions seriously to bring people closer to God through Jesus Christ." . . .

Looking for a Book Review on Shemitah

January 2nd, 2015
Shea Houdmann January 2 at 12:49pm Has anyone read "The Shemitah"? -…/9781629981932/…/981932 - We are receiving some questions about it and might need to publish a review of the book, or at least a discussion of the topic. Anyone interested? The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's... Expanding on a mystery introduced in his bestseller The Harbinger, messianic rabbi Cahn explains the prophetic . . .

Q&A regarding divorce and public ministry

December 31st, 2014
Justin Tilghman Yesterday at 8:41am · Kinston, NC · Edited I have a question from a gentleman who is concerned that his divorce disqualifies him from returning the ministry. The divorce was ultimately due to HER infidelity, not his. He sought reconciliation with his wife but she is the one who ultimately refused reconciliation. My opinion is that this divorce does not disqualify him from the ministry for the following reasons 1) he was not the unfaithful party, 2) he sought to maintain the marriage with everything . . .

Q&A on YHWH and Hebrew

December 31st, 2014
Courtney Kincel Silberman December 31, 2014 Happy New Year, friends! I am having a difficult time with this question. Does anyone have any suggestions they could offer? Question: When God tells Moses his name , he said in Hebrew. Ehyeh Asher ehyeh , not Yahweh. I'm just in need of clarification how Yahweh replaced ehyeh as God name Like · Seen by 15 Ed Chait likes this. Justin Tilghman From my "beginning" knowledge of Hebrew, "Ehyeh asher ehyeh" is actually translated . . .

Help with a Q on what Joseph feared in taking Mary as his wife

December 26th, 2014
Danielle Swiontek‎Got Questions Writers December 26 at 12:31pm · Hi everyone! Can you help me with a question? This man is wondering WHAT Joseph feared, exactly, in taking Mary as his wife. What is the cultural background here? Would he have feared his own social outcasting or death or something else? Or just that Mary would face those things? What happened to couples who were legally married yet not living together yet, and found to be with child? I'm not sure where to go for this kind of cultural history...any . . .

Discouragement and Encouragement – Building Each other Up

December 26th, 2014
Jeff Laird December 25 at 5:48pm Living in the tension between joy and happiness. Blessed in family and life, but crushed and discouraged by the weight of a ministry calling that seems almost pointless right now. If God really wants me to fight a forest fire with a squirt gun, I'm game. But feeling called to defend the truth of the Gospel to a world that's veering so quickly towards hate, irrationality, and ignorance of that Gospel has me burnt to a crisp. Prayerfully looking at how to balance the need to breathe with . . .

Language Level and Questioner Profile

December 26th, 2014
Vincent Trigili Yesterday at 6:20am I have a question to answer today, and I know the answer, but something concerns me ever so slightly... the profile says from "Europe" and the question reads like English is a second, or even third language for the asker. The asker is either really poor with email, or weak in English. So should I work extra hard to make sure the language and grammar are as easy as possible, or not worry about it? Like · Seen by 31 Ed Chait likes this. Evan . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement