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Looking for a Book Review on Shemitah

January 2nd, 2015

Has anyone read “The Shemitah”? –…/9781629981932/…/981932 – We are receiving some questions about it and might need to publish a review of the book, or at least a discussion of the topic. Anyone interested?

Expanding on a mystery introduced in his bestseller The Harbinger, messianic rabbi Cahn explains the prophetic significance of the ‘Shemitah’—a recurring Sabbath year prescribed by the Torah. Learn how the ancient 7-year milestone is connected to world history, including the events of the Great De…
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  • Patrick Thompson I read ‘The Harbinger’ as a number of friends in CS were raving about it. I kept thinking that the ‘historic’ examples that were given were not correct but didn’t really have time to research all of them. I love history and some just didn’t seem possible. I prayed -do I need to research this? When I finished reading on my Kindle another book popped up. The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? by David James. Cahn is very loose with his history and possibly embellishes on the facts.
    I’m a fast reader. We will order the book on our Kindles and let you know what we think. With Scriptures of course.
    Liz Thompson
  • Shea Houdmann Awesome! Thank you Liz!
  • Robert Lowry Here’s another take on it:…/will-christians…/

    When I saw some recent headlines over at Charisma…
  • Courtney Kincel Silberman I can simply offer my personal testimony on how God used Jonathan Cahn’s books in my life. I read the Mystery of the Shemitah in one Saturday morning in October. All I know is that I couldn’t put it down until I finished it, and God allowed me to have quiet in the house that morning as my husband took my kids out for errands. I was overwhelmed with the power of God in the details of history. Then, last week while my family was fearing my dad’s battle with leukemia was about to end, I was drawn to reading the Harbinger. I was actually sick all day long and in bed, but all I could do was read the Harbinger while I was trying to get better. Again, I was overwhelmed with something I always knew about God but realized on an even deeper level–the depth of His control over every detail of our lives and the world. The Harbinger carried me through some very difficult days of a faith walk to trust God was going to take care of my dad in his illness. A few days later, the doctor’s realized my dad’s fever was not related to the late stages of the leukemia but to a virus that my dad caught. Praise the Lord!
  • Courtney Kincel Silberman I recommend listening to this broadcast of Jonathan Cahn on FamilyTalk. He gives his personal testimony:…

    Did you know that there’s an ancient Jewish mystery that holds the secret to America’s future? There may…
  • Gina Cook I haven’t read the book. I just want to add that I think we can find spiritual affirmation in just about anything, not to downplay everyone’s unique spiritual experiences. We need to be careful, as I learned the hard way, not to try and produce some spiritual euphoria or easily tag God in everything that uses Bible/Christian terms or makes us feel closer to God. Take books like this one, carefully align them with scripture. Extra-biblical books are really just fiction or fantastical books. The Shack and others come to mind when I say this. I know women that read The Shack as part of a bible study! AAHH! We need to be careful, very, very careful to be like the Bereans. Ugh, unfortunately this stuff is just going to keep coming.

    Courtney Kincel Silberman, yes praise The Lord for that!
  • Tom Gindorf Jr. My question is whether or not America really assumes what was meant for Israel. I would like to see that mechanism that transfers what was meant for the nation of Israel to us here in modern America. I understand the idea of God’s timeline and calendar being universal, but this takes prophecy relating to Israel and gives it concurrently to us. I find it fascinating but remain unconvinced.
    17 hrs · Like · 1

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