Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Thoughts on a Question about ISIS, God’s plan, and Prayer

March 2nd, 2015
Rachel Miller March 1 at 6:36pm got some ideas where I am going with this.....any other thoughts and or insights? Question 384981: Hi, I am a intercessory prayer warrior & I have been a Christian for over 30 years. As all of us Christians pray about the horror of ISIS. I find myself sometimes asking God `WHEN WILL ALL THIS HORROR STOP - WHEN WILL GOD INTERVENE - WILL GOD INTERVENE - DOES GOD HAVE A PLAN IN THIS!` Christians - Jews & even Muslims are being tortured & killed. Not to mention the horror . . .

Discussion on Witnessing to Family Members

March 1st, 2015
Kris Cadogan February 28 at 4:40pm How did you guys share the gospel with your family? I am finding it hard to do so. I do not think my family outright rejects Jesus like an atheist would,I guess the best word to describe them is as being lukewarm. I pray every night that they would come to the faith and I use other "measures" to try and guide them in the right direction( since other faiths(JW,Mormons etc.) are active in trying to draw them away from God) . These measures include: 1) Giving them Got Questions' website . . .

Help on a Question regarding Christianity and Constantine

March 1st, 2015
Matthew Tyler Dunn February 27 at 7:45pm Does this question have something to do with the Da Vinci Code? I don't know the history related to this question unless the questioner is saying the Constantine altered the Bible? The following is the question: Was there a remnant that kept faithful to scripture when Christianity was "kidnapped" by Constantine? [and still subsist today...] Like · Seen by 33 Tim White When Constantine was supposedly converted, he married the state with the . . .

New Volunteer with a Hypothetical Question (Why not “enjoy” sin and wait on salvation?)

February 26th, 2015
Kris Cadogan February 25, 2015 Background: I am Kris Cadogan, 20 years old. I conceive questions in my mind and try to answer them. I literally want to know everything about God even what some people may consider mundane things (Does he have a favourite colour if so what is it? etc.). I imagine in heaven that I will be quite the greedy believer , “keeping” the Lord to all myself all day long lol. I propose that the reason I have not received a visit from God as yet is because I would keep him here with me asking him questions . . .

Help with a Question (faith and sin)

February 26th, 2015
Sarah Van Baale‎Got Questions Writers February 26, 2015 I have most of this questioned answered, but would appreciate some suggestions regarding this line: "I had the stronger faith in Christ when I was sinning so terribly and now that I turned away I feel so much doubt sometimes." Like · Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. Fred Apelquist Hard to understand full context without complete question text, especially the part about "turning away". . . .

Question on Confessing to Cheating

February 24th, 2015
Lori DeGrazia February 23, 2015 Good morning, friends, I could really use your help. The questioner is a college student who recently recommitted to Christ. The student has been taking online classes and cheating on the tests. They want to know if they should confess to the professor. The student has three semesters left for a degree and is concerned about losing it. Does anyone know the consequences of admitting to cheating on college exams? I would appreciate any comments or advice. Thank you! Like · Seen . . .

Help with a question on Christological Astronomy

February 18th, 2015
Joe Maxey February 17, 2015 I need a little help with this one...What is Christological Astronomy? Anyone know anything about this? Like · Seen by 23 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil heavy hehehe.. 12 hrs · Like Jed Kramer not before you asked, but here's a link ... Christological Astronomy - RESOURCES Written by Dr. Dale Resources CHRISTOLOGICALASTRONOMY.COM 12 . . .

Help with a question on restoration of the apostles

February 18th, 2015
Jed Kramer February 17, 2015 · Edited What are your thoughts regarding the following question ... "WHAT does the restoration in the acts of the apostle is all about?" -Is this asking about the personal restoration that occurs within each person upon salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? -Is it the restoration of all mankind that was initiated on the cross and will come to fruition when Christ returns? -Or, is it about the restoration movement? I touched on all 3 areas in my response. I figured . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement