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Thoughts on a Question about ISIS, God’s plan, and Prayer

March 2nd, 2015

got some ideas where I am going with this…..any other thoughts and or insights?

Question 384981: Hi, I am a intercessory prayer warrior & I have been a Christian for over 30 years. As all of us Christians pray about the horror of ISIS. I find myself sometimes asking God `WHEN WILL ALL THIS HORROR STOP – WHEN WILL GOD INTERVENE – WILL GOD INTERVENE – DOES GOD HAVE A PLAN IN THIS!` Christians – Jews & even Muslims are being tortured & killed. Not to mention the horror that women & children are going through. When I pray God gives me a glimpse of the horror of what these people are experiencing & it`s worse for them because obviously they are actually living with the fear everyday. At times I even pray for the leader of ISIS. SOMETIMES IT ALL SEEMS TOO MUCH FOR ALL THESE PEOPLE TO EXPERIENCE SUCH EVIL! Is there any Biblical insight in any of this ISIS situation at all

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  • Jeff Laird Habakkuk 1:2-4 HCSB: “How long, Lord , must I call for help and You do not listen or cry out to You about violence and You do not save? Why do You force me to look at injustice? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? Oppression and violence are right in front of me. Strife is ongoing, and conflict escalates. This is why the law is ineffective and justice never emerges. For the wicked restrict the righteous; therefore, justice comes out perverted.”

    This is not the first time evil has run amok, but God is always in control. Doesn’t make it easier, but it should make it less intimidating.
  • Christopher Dupre When I feel a bit overwhelmed about this, I remember WWII where 60 million died. I think we’re heading there again, but nows not the time to get overwhelmed. We had thousands of Americans dying each week before.
  • Lisa McIntosh I actually feel the same way as the questioner and I have a difficult time watching the news now.
  • Sarah Van Baale This probably isn’t exceedingly helpful, but evil is not new. Yes, ISIS is doing terrible evil things and broadcasting it to the world, but believe me, there are terrible evil things going on all over the world that aren’t being broadcast. Satan is not new. His antics are not creative or changing. Horrendous things similar to this go on all over the Middle East, North Korea, Africa, and areas in Latin/South America. We just don’t hear about them. Because ISIS has a very political mind set and because we now have the Internet, the evil seems to nearer and more overwhelming than usual. But God is still Good. He’s not worried or pacing in Heaven. He’s seated on His throne and He has a plan. I am thankful I’m not God and don’t have to figure out how to solve the problem all by myself. But we can and should pray. We know that evil will grow increasingly more widespread, but ultimately Christ has the victory. Something else that gives me peace is knowing that all the Christians being slaughtered are immediately rescued. It is much more horrifying to think about all the non-Christians being slaughtered. Instead of focusing on fear and evil, we should focus on God and His power. I don’t particularly want my husband to be deployed to the Middle East right now, but even if he were, I know his soul is safe. It is all the other souls out there that we need to be concerned about. Matthew 10:28 reads: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
    17 hrs · Like · 1
  • Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil Romans 8:18, 28 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us”; v28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,g for those who are called according to his purpose.”
  • Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil It is theologically deep but ISIS is God’s appointed means to accomplish a divinely appointed end.

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