got some ideas where I am going with this…..any other thoughts and or insights?
Question 384981: Hi, I am a intercessory prayer warrior & I have been a Christian for over 30 years. As all of us Christians pray about the horror of ISIS. I find myself sometimes asking God `WHEN WILL ALL THIS HORROR STOP – WHEN WILL GOD INTERVENE – WILL GOD INTERVENE – DOES GOD HAVE A PLAN IN THIS!` Christians – Jews & even Muslims are being tortured & killed. Not to mention the horror that women & children are going through. When I pray God gives me a glimpse of the horror of what these people are experiencing & it`s worse for them because obviously they are actually living with the fear everyday. At times I even pray for the leader of ISIS. SOMETIMES IT ALL SEEMS TOO MUCH FOR ALL THESE PEOPLE TO EXPERIENCE SUCH EVIL! Is there any Biblical insight in any of this ISIS situation at all