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Help on Question about Gay Rights

March 3rd, 2015

Hello all! I thought I remembered some posts from some of you or some links regarding the question I just received. If anyone would be willing to send them or your comments my way to aid me in answering this question, it would be greatly appreciated!

Question 384951: Is there a contradiction between supporting Gay Rights and Gay Equality whilst still condemning homosexual acts?

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  • Seen by 28
  • Emmanuel FixingComputers Noisette I’m curious about this too
  • Sarah Van Baale Herein lies the problem: You cannot support the sin and condemn it at the same time. For instance, you also cannot support abortion rights and condemn abortion. This would be the essence of a double minded man.

    Another thought: Gay equality? Equal
    to what? Gay rights? The right to do what? I think what they’re really getting at is the right to “marry” a person of the same gender. But the Bible is very clear that marriage was created by God between a man and a woman. Homosexual people retain basic human rights, but we don’t redefine sin to accommodate sinners. This may seem extreme, but we can all agree that marrying a 5 year old girl is sexually immoral and tantamount to child abuse. We would not redefine marriage to accommodate this sin, nor should we. Certainly people have the freedom to sin, and they do it all the time. God gave us free will, and even He allows us to choose our own behavior. But supporting freedom for freedom’s sake still does not justify support of sinful behavior.
    18 hrs · Like · 3
  • Lisa McIntosh Thank you. That is exactly where I was going, I just needed help getting started.
  • Emmanuel FixingComputers Noisette I agree with Sarah. The other dilemma in the question is the fact that it’s two sided. On one hand gay rights stands on the podium of anti-discrimination. The other hand obviously supports homosexuality in the same breath. Now the main kicker that doesn’t get discussed is that discrimination is bad… Sometimes. We should not discriminate against things we cannot help such as gender, creed, or ethnicity. We can, and always have discriminated against behaviors. We discriminate against pedophiles, rape, abortion, stealing, killing, physical abuse, and many other behaviors that we may feel is detrimental to society in some way.
  • Sarah Van Baale I agree Emmanuel, the problem is this gets political pretty fast.
    18 hrs · Like · 1
  • Lisa McIntosh Thank you both!
    18 hrs · Like · 1
  • Emmanuel FixingComputers Noisette The tricky part unfortunately is when you’re confronted with question of, “how could homosexuality/same sex marriage possibly hurt or affect anyone?

    I found this series of videos helpful as Christian apologist Frank Turek breaks it down without even using the bible… Per Se

    (Mirrored series sent to me form a friend). Dr. Frank…
  • Lisa McIntosh Excellent!
    18 hrs · Like · 1

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