Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Help with a question on restoration of the apostles

February 18th, 2015
Jed Kramer February 17, 2015 · Edited What are your thoughts regarding the following question ... "WHAT does the restoration in the acts of the apostle is all about?" -Is this asking about the personal restoration that occurs within each person upon salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? -Is it the restoration of all mankind that was initiated on the cross and will come to fruition when Christ returns? -Or, is it about the restoration movement? I touched on all 3 areas in my response. I figured . . .

Learning from Serving with GQ

February 15th, 2015
Laurel J. Davis February 13 at 6:11pm · Los Angeles, CA Wow, thanks, GQ, for assigning me the question, "Who is Athaliah"! It really caused me to stop and look at the accounts of her in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, and doing so enriched the story about her and how God dealt with her. I've learned a lot by preparing this answer. Thank you! Like · Seen by 21 Elizabeth DeVore, Ed Chait, Wendyl Leslie and 3 others like this. Wendyl Leslie Like you, Laura, I too oftentimes . . .

GQ Muslim Articles and Global Media Outreach (GMO)

February 15th, 2015
Robert Lowry February 13 at 7:05pm In working as a "missionary" on Global Media Outreach, I received a series of messages from a Muslim challenging practically everything about Christianity. The GQ answers regarding witnessing to Muslims were very helpful in dealing with those messages, so don't hesitate to use the GQ answers if you are "blessed" by having the opportunity to speak with Muslims (which can get confrontational). BTW if anyone is looking for other opportunities to get the Gospel out, but you have no calling . . .

Discussion about Online Churches

February 13th, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore February 11 at 10:33am · Colorado Springs, CO We sometimes get questions from people who because of geography or age cannot go to church. Would someone be willing to write a Blogos article on good online churches and communities? Like · Seen by 39 Ed Chait likes this. Tim White I don't write fiction. February 11 at 10:34am · Like · 1 Elizabeth DeVore Ouch! February 11 at 10:40am · Like · 1 Tim . . .

Using Verse Numbers in Scripture Quotes

February 11th, 2015
Sarah Van Baale February 10, 2015 · Edited When you are quoting a passage of Scripture and provide the appropriate reference, do you include the individual verse numbers in the text of the passage? I've gone back and forth on this and I'm curious as to what the rest of you do. Clarification: I include verse numbers in the reference, I'm speaking specifically about when I'm typing out a passage of Scripture that I want them to read without having to look it up. In other words, do you write this: Matthew 4:12-14 . . .

Help on a Marriage Counseling Question

February 9th, 2015
Justin Tilghman February 8 at 3:56pm · Kinston, NC Need help friends. This a question that I can't really seem to find a good answer for: My wife will not listen to me and says she wants a divorce. She is not acting like a married woman. Is asking my father in law for help a good idea? My initial thought is "bad idea" because the FIL will be biased by the fact it's his "little girl" and also it may push the wife farther away if she feels he is trying to turn her family on her. Can't find a Scripture to hang my . . .

Writer Discussion on Christians’ Understanding of the Bible

February 8th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb February 7, 2015 The below quote from Relevant Magazine points out what I consider one of the most offensive areas about Christianity. I have been a Bible student since my youth and there are certain doctrines that do not resolve in Scripture no matter how much time I spend studying them. Yet those are often the same doctrines about which there is so much dissension and division among Christians and denominations. Why can't we be humble and gracious enough to admit that in some areas, "We simply don't know . . .

Q&A – Is God still creating?

February 4th, 2015
Ed Chait February 1 at 10:28pm · Edited I received this question and need some help. Question 380188: I came across your 'How are human souls are created?' article again, and had a question/wanted to touch on part of that article. Your quote "The weakness of Creationism is that it has God continually creating new human souls, while Genesis 2:2-3 indicates that God ceased creating." I don't think that means He stop creating indefinitely. What about when He says He goes and builds us mansions or how about the New . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement