I received this question and need some help.
Question 380188: I came across your ‘How are human souls are created?’ article again, and had a question/wanted to touch on part of that article. Your quote “The weakness of Creationism is that it has God continually creating new human souls, while Genesis 2:2-3 indicates that God ceased creating.” I don’t think that means He stop creating indefinitely. What about when He says He goes and builds us mansions or how about the New Jerusalem, New Earth, and New Heaven? To have those places, He has to create them and that time hasn’t came yet. If there are things that are not yet created that He says He will, I’m sure He creates all souls in the present. It’s the natural birth that “infects” the soul with sin. However, back to my initial question, do you believe God is through with creating anything for all eternity when these things that are mentioned are not yet in our reality? I believe Gen. 2:2-3 is just referring to His major creation is done for the first part of history as we know it. Also, He says that children are blessings/gifts to us and we know that all blessings come from Him, so therefore I would think souls are created at conception.
Profile: Male, 18-30, North America, Christian
Did God cease His creative work as the GQ article states? As far as Traducianism vs Creationism, I haven’t personally struggled with that and I agree with the closing paragraph of the article which states that ultimately, the important thing is that both views hold that God is responsible for the creation of each and every soul. The question of whether God is done creating is a good one though. What say ye?