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Q&A – Does Israel own the land they are in?

February 3rd, 2015

February 2, 2015

Have we any person here who is historically-informed who can help me out with this question: “Does Israel own the land they are in” (more broadly-placed on my part)?
Much graciousness!

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  • Seen by 22
  • Fred Apelquist John –

    I’ll forward an article (or 2) from Dr. Gerald McDermott of Roanoke College, who is an expert on this.


    Fred W. Apelquist, III
    (703) 459-6622
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Christopher Dupre Oh, man. Don’t get me started. Israel took control of land that laid outside the UN mandate allotted to them when those areas were being used as an offensive to COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE Israel and ALL ISRAELIS. Golan Heights (Borders Syria), the ‘West Bank’ (though it’s much more than a river bank), and the Gaza Strip. Giving back Gaza to the Palestinians in 2007 proves beyond doubt that any land Israel ever gives back will be used for further offensives against them. Not to teach them a lesson, or to gain greater independence, but to completely destroy Israel and all Jews in the area.
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Christopher Dupre I’m no expert, but that’s it in a nutshell. Oy vey.
    18 hrs · Like · 2
  • Fred Apelquist Christopher –

    In a nutshell, yes.
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  • John McPhaill Thanks-a-sugarload! (But where would I find those articles,Fred Apelquist?)
  • Dale Agner For those that are interested in knowing more about the modern history of Israel, Eliot Cohen wrote a book called “Supreme Command” in ~2002, where he chronicles the leadership of 4 statesman, one being David Ben-Gurion. David Ben-Gurion led the political-military struggle for the establishment of the 1948 Jewish state. I highly recommend this book for the post world war II historical background of the conflict that took place. Not all of David Ben-Gurion’s political decisions would qualify as an addendum to Hebrews 11. Quite the opposite. Understanding this background can help one better understand the current difficulty that Brother Andrew has chronicled regarding the difficulty that Messianic Jews and Christian Palestinians have (in understanding each other) in the West Bank.
  • Gwen Sellers

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RE: John McPhaill mentioned you in a comment in Got Questions Writers.

John –

I asked Professor McDermott (Roanoke College) to send me the URLs. Here’s what I have, but am not certain they are the latest and the greatest.

Here’s what I have. I’m copying Professor McDermott in case he has other links to answer these questions.

Enjoy. This is good reading, very comprehensive.…/10/15/myths-about-israel-and-zion…/


Fred W. Apelquist, III

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