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Feedback on how writers feel about the “faith status” option in the questioner profile

February 6th, 2015

How is it working out for others to have the questioners have the option of indicating that they are Christians?

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  • James Toland I haven’t had a question where they identified as one.
  • Carol Coleman I like knowing if they are a Christian or not. It helps me decide how much Bibilical background I may need to input. Of course I also understand that answers to that question could vary- What do they mean by Christian,. How much Bible teaching/background do they have. How long have they been a Christian.
  • Evan Plante IMO, the more info we can get, the better. That being said, the question itself is usually revealing enough. I have seen “Christian” and “New Christian” designations so far…although I do not think that this info influenced my answers dramatically.
  • Stuart Mattfield I have…It’s good to gives perspective. Some are clearly Christian, but seeking answers….some claim they’re Christian, but their comments and questions would indicate otherwise…some are unashamedly not…
  • Fred Apelquist Think I missed something about an option for questioners to indicate whether or not they are Christians. I don’t see a problem as long as that box or indicator or whatever is clearly marked as ‘optional’. Don’t want folks to think we only want to hear from Christians. Far from it: we want God to use us to make more Christians.

  • William Brenner I often wish I knew more about what is behind the question–what caused them to ask? But they usually don’t say.
  • Sarah Van Baale William – You’re right, they usually don’t say. However, I’ve had a couple of questions over the years which involved very serious issues, yet were written in a very chaotic fashion. I assumed this was because the questioner didn’t want to divulge alSee More
  • Ed Chait Fred, the GQ staff only recently made that change, so you did not miss anything. You raise an interesting point, but if I place myself in the position of the person asking the question, I don’t think I would interpret having that option as exclusionary.

    I agree that the more information and background we have the easier it is to understand the question.
  • Fred Apelquist Thanks, Ed, for the background. Looks like we are basically in consensus that more info is better than less.
  • Gwen Sellers Thanks for asking this Ed Chait! It’s good to know everyone’s thoughts on it. Glad to hear it’s been a positive change.
  • Ed Chait You’re welcome Gwen. My only concern was that I may not share the Gospel with someone because they stated they were a Christian and really weren’t, especially if the question didn’t provide clues, but I think it’s better to have that situation than not give questioners the option.
  • Gwen Sellers I wondered about that as well. .. I guess, as with all questions, we pray God will lead us to provide the answer the questioner needs to hear.
  • Ed Chait Amen.

    Father, thank You for Your sovereignty.
  • Sarah Van Baale On the opposite side of things, I think it is really helpful to know when a questioner identifies themselves as a Christian but gives numerous indications that they are not by what they write in their question. Then I am able to take the time to tSee More
  • Gwen Sellers That is a great point, Sarah!
  • Ed Chait That’s an excellent point Sarah.

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