Team GotQuestions Blog

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Site searches and typos / misspellings

February 6th, 2015

February 6, 2015

In the bigenning of aech new yaer, we go through the saerch logs frum the previos yaer to find all the mispellings. Then we enter them into the saerch ingine so that when poeple mispel things, the corekt artecles will still come up. Here are the most frekuentle mispeled words: adultery, alcohol, amillennialism, apocrypha, atheist, baptism, blasphemy, Buddhism, Calvinism, Catholicism, circumcision, crucifixion, dinosaurs, divorce, eunuch, Ezekiel, forgiveness, Hanukkah, homosexuality, hypocrite, judgment, masturbation, Melchizedek, millennium, nephilim, Pentecostal, polygamy, pornography, predestination, premillennialism, purgatory, resurrection, righteousness, sanctification, shepherd, sovereignty, suicide, tattoo, tithing.

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  • You and Ed Romero like this.
  • Shea Houdmann To give you an example, here are all the misspellings of Melchizedek: melchizadek, melchisedec, melchisedec, melchizdek, melchezidek, melchizidek, melchezedek, melchizedec, melchizedeck, melquisedec, malchizedek, mechizedek

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