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Writer Discussion on Christians’ Understanding of the Bible

February 8th, 2015

February 7, 2015

The below quote from Relevant Magazine points out what I consider one of the most offensive areas about Christianity. I have been a Bible student since my youth and there are certain doctrines that do not resolve in Scripture no matter how much time I spend studying them. Yet those are often the same doctrines about which there is so much dissension and division among Christians and denominations. Why can’t we be humble and gracious enough to admit that in some areas, “We simply don’t know enough to take a firm stand.”

“4. We All Pick and Choose the Bible We Believe, Preach and Defend. Christians often accuse believers with differing opinions of “cherry picking” from the Bible; holding tightly to verses they agree with, while conveniently jettisoning ones they are uncomfortable with. The only problem is, each time this assertion is made, the one making the accusation conveniently claims objectivity; as if they somehow have a firm, dispassionate understanding of the entirety of Scripture, without bias or prejudice, and that the other is violating that.

As we mature in our faith, some of us may be able to shake off some of our personal biases and get closer to the true meaning of Scripture. But until then, most of us have our own Bible, made somewhat in our image. There are as many specific individual interpretations of Scripture in history as there have been readers of it. Our understanding and belief about the Bible is a product of our upbringing, the amount of study we’ve had, the friends we’ve lived alongside, the area of the world we live in, the experiences we have and much more.

Is it really fair to accuse someone else of selectively using Scripture, unless we’re prepared to admit to the same crime in the process?”

Read more at…/5-things-i-wish-christian…

And what they actually mean.
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  • Seen by 16
  • Gina Cook Yes we need to admit our shortcomings yet without laying aside the responsibility to hold ourselves and others accountable to accurately handle the Word of truth. The more we know and live the scriptures the more division we will know – no way around it . But also comes much more blessing and glory to God. It’s all about Him really- glorifying The Lord- worshiping Him in spirit and truth.
    13 hrs · Like · 3
  • Ed Chait I recently heard, “we should focus on what we do know and not argue over what we can’t know”. As Gina mentions, there are essential core doctrines that I feel very OK saying “the Bible clearly says” that can’t be compromised or negotiated.
    12 hrs · Edited · Like · 3
  • Steve Ray Webb Hi Gina Cook, I have a different take than yours, namely that the more we know and live the scriptures, the LESS division we should have. As I have matured in the Word I have become less judgmental on certain doctrinal positions as a result of learning that there were legitimate other interpretations than the one I had learned in my childhood denomination.
    Ed Chait, I heartily agree that there are non-negotiables in our faith. It is just that most church constitutions go beyond these non-negotiables as if to stick a finger in the eye of Christians who believe otherwise on certain doctrinal points. It makes us a mockery in front of the rest of the world.
    9 hrs · Like · 3
  • Gina Cook I think I understand what you are saying Steve Ray Webb– division among true Christians is what you are implying. I am saying division among confessed Christians. Let me put it this way…we have less division over the things that aren’t necessary among true Christians as we grow in the Word yet we experience more division among “confessed” Christians at the same time as we grow in the Word. In the beginning of one ‘s true Christianity the narrow road seems much wider then it does later in one’s Christian walk!
    5 hrs · Like · 2
  • Ed Chait My experience has been that the road narrows as the Holy Spirit leads me to be more and more protective of the Gospel, and the road also broadens in the sense that I have grown more tolerant of Christians who hold to different interpretations of non-essential doctrines.
    4 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Gina Cook I can see that Ed. I know my view of the narrow road was REALLY wide in the beginning-all it has done so far is get smaller and smaller . Deception is running rampant though and I even see what I would consider true Christians as more concerned of unity, by the world’s interpretation of that word, then they are of God’s interpretation of it.
    4 hrs · Like · 2
  • Ed Chait Yep, these are times that require the discernment that comes from being personally familiar with God’s Word.
    4 hrs · Edited · Like · 3
  • Ed Chait I agree with you Gina about all the heresy going on in the name of being “ecumenical”.
    4 hrs · Like · 3
  • Ed Chait This from the referenced article raises a question for me.

    ” The book of Timothy says the Scriptures are “God-breathed,” that they originate from God, but it doesn’t claim they are God-dictated.”

    Is not every single word of Scripture (outside of non-essential differences in translation) however, exactly the words God wants us to have?
    4 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
  • Ed Chait I guess because of different languages, saying “every single word” isn’t possible, but a good translation conveys the heart of God accurately and without ambiguity, even if we are unable to comprehend some things.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like · 2

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