Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on Culpability and Demon Possession

October 5th, 2015
Kris Cadogan October 5, 2015 Are possessed people responsible for their actions? Would the sin go on the record of the person or the demon? Thanks Like   Comment Seen by 46 Ed Chait likes this. Comments Tim White Good question. I am certain that God will not let me make the decision. However, I see it as to be demon possessed, they walked into it volitionally so they must be responsible for any consequences of those decisions. (not sure volitionally is a . . .

Discussion on prophecies today

October 5th, 2015
Jonathan Morales October 3 at 5:15pm Greetings brethren! I would like to read your opinions: Does God warn us of imminent natural disasters? There have been many "prophecies" for my country that a huge earthquake is to come and that a tsunami will follow, destroying most of the island. However, many of these "prophecies are inconsistent in some details. What do you think? Like   Comment Seen by 56 Comments Tim White I stick to the teaching that anything that . . .

Article and Discussion on “Moral Injury” (psychological scar from war similar to PTSD)

October 5th, 2015
Dale Agner October 3 at 5:23pm I came across an interesting article in a metropolitan paper; MORAL INJURY, A PSYCHOLOGICAL SCAR FROM WAR SIMILAR TO PTSD. Your thoughts may generate some interesting discussion. The article is intriguing, and basically addresses an issue that I see rooted in the gospel [the thought of "I've been exposed, didn't prevent, or participated in something that I cannot reconcile with my conscience"]. The HOPE of the gospel, amongst many things, also firmly includes a clear conscience. . . .

Writer Discussion on Bible Versions

September 30th, 2015
Blaine Cardilli September 24 at 7:54pm So what kinds of Bibles are we all using these days? I own maybe 14 different translations for pleasure & study but this one right here is the favorite. It's a Ryrie Study Bible in NIV and it's not the 'Ryrie' name or his notes I like but the concordance and overall layout has worked well for me. After almost 20 years I know it well. It's held together by duct tape and scotch tape. Spurgeon once said that if you find a Bible that's falling apart, chances are the owner isn't. . . .

Discussion on material inequalities between believers

September 21st, 2015
Kris Cadogan September 19 at 6:53am Would like your thoughts on another matter. Was at a session and a lady stood up and said that “She thanks God because he allows her to live in a ‘perfect’ neighborhood”, that it is like “heaven” with everyone helping each other etc. Apparently, another lady was quite upset with this statement (she sounded like she wanted to cry). The other lady said “What about people like her who live in bad areas, where there are robberies, drugs and prostitution at every street . . .

Help on a Q about the Trinity

September 21st, 2015
Kris Cadogan September 18 at 1:35pm Hey guys would really appreciate your thoughts on this question I was assigned. Thanks Question: I was reading the answer to the question about the Holy Trinity and realized that maybe a new way to describe it in human terms could be using the brain, the body, and the mind. The brain being the Father, the body being Christ, and the mind being the Holy Spirit. The brain is responsible for the functions of the body and mind but it is not the body and mind per say. The body caries . . .

Discussion on who is really the “prodigal” in Luke 15

September 21st, 2015
Jason Finch September 18 at 4:12pm So a friend told me that a local pastor wrote this on his Facebook page. I would like to know your thoughts regarding his statement. I completely disagree with this interpretation but what do you think? He said, “Who is the real prodigal in Luke 15? The younger son or the Father? Definition of prodigal - recklessly extravagant, one who spends or gives lavishly and profusely... You have a Father in heaven whose love is extravagant and unconditional, who longs . . .

Question on the Reformed Church and the Heidelburg Catechism

September 16th, 2015
Julie Kimani September 15 at 6:14pm · Goodyear, AZ What do you all know about Christian Reformed Church and the Heidelburg Catechism? Like   Comment Seen by 56 Ed Romero likes this. Comments Byron Earnheart While I don't know much about them, from what little research I could do while cooking dinner, I found this. seem to be an offshoot of some of the schisms that happened during the Reformation. . . .

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a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement