Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on prophecies today

October 5th, 2015

Greetings brethren! I would like to read your opinions:
Does God warn us of imminent natural disasters?

There have been many “prophecies” for my country that a huge earthquake is to come and that a tsunami will follow, destroying most of the island. However, many of these “prophecies are inconsistent in some details. What do you think?

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  • Comments
    • Tim White
      Tim White I stick to the teaching that anything that is extra-biblical is not true prophecy because God has spoken. Tell me, do these prophecies bring people to Jesus? Or do they bring attention to the prophet? God has spoken in our days through His Son and His Word is complete. We have all we need to find redemption, growth and mental well-being. To validate additional revelation is to acknowledge that the lady who said her cat prophesied could be true.

    • Jonathan Morales
      Jonathan Morales I agree with you brother White that we must always put the word of God first and before all. However, by experience, I’ve had many brothers in my church who have given “prophecies” to other brothers and they actually occur. So while I’ll always put the Bible first, these experiences are very interesting and I can’t just ignore them. I’m not saying that the word given by these people should be considered sacred holy scripture, but sometimes God uses his children to give a word or specific instruction to other brothers.

    • Tim White
      Tim White Wait! if the word of knowledge is from God, how come it is not sacred? If there is a possibility of it being wrong, how can you know the difference? Dangerous ground. I could prophesy that there was going to be a major tragedy in the United States in the next four days, and I have a high likelihood of being able to stick some event into that prophesy.

    • Jonathan Morales
      Jonathan Morales Well what I meant by sacred holy scripture is that when they give a word from God, those words don’t have to be canonized into the Bible as the word of God is already is finished. I understand your point, but what do you do with the many cases that actually get it right? And I’m talking about “prophecies” so long and complex that the person couldn’t have possibly guessed it. Obviously not all supposed prophets can be true, and I’m very skeptical when they start lunging out words of prophecies all over. It just seems that at times, after I’ve seen the situations of people, I think to myself, you know what? God might have spoken through that person after all.

    • Tim White
      Tim White Do not fall into the temptation of placing experiential data on a high level. In doing that, we are highly susceptible to deception. I stick with the Word of God. Only the Word of God. I have had people “prophesy” over me and my response is, “I am on talking terms with God. I need no high priest.” If someone started prophesying in my church, they would have to leave or I would leave. I don’t think God will be upset at me because I stuck with His Word exclusively. As a matter of fact, I think He will be please with that.

    • Tim White
      Tim White Now, you asked us for our takes. I hope you understand mine. If I have wronged you for expressing it, please forgive me. That was not my intention, but that is where I stand.

    • Jonathan Morales
      Jonathan Morales Hey don’t worry, I appreciate your points and I have even learned a lot from the Got questions team, especially in what we are currently discussing. The truth of the matter is that I attend a church where many of the brothers are charismatics. I don’t consider myself charismatic though but their still my family. Still even though I am very skeptic to the whole personal word of prophecy thing, I hear them going out to some brothers and sometimes they do occur like for example: God used a minister to give my step-father a message from God concerning a future event that actually occurred in the way and date that the minister told him.

    • Dale Agner
      Dale Agner In Acts 11:27-30 there is a prophecy of an upcoming famine, and it spurs the believers to contribute to the needs of other believers. We are instructed to “Test the spirits”…in 1 John 4:1. There are many within the church that “profess” Jesus, but have used “faith phrases” to cover a “kingdom of self.” There should be an overwhelming self sacrificing love, and transforming love present. 2 Peter 2 also speaks of false prophets arising. Look for the fruit of self-sacrificing love. You will find very few. Luke 21:25 does speak to people being perplexed at the roaring of the waves before Christ’s return. There are evermore signs that these end-times prophecies are drawing near…but way too many people have pinned their hopes on the interpretation of a phrase, and got it wrong (blood moons, interpreting Jesus return within 40 years of Israel being re established as a nation). Blessings!

    • Jonathan Morales
      Jonathan Morales thank you for your words. I certainly believe that God has spoken through some of his children about an up coming catastrophe for my country. But I still doubt whether or not this is going to be a judgement from God. He could very well be warning his people so that we are prepared.

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