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Discussion on Culpability and Demon Possession

October 5th, 2015

October 5, 2015

Are possessed people responsible for their actions? Would the sin go on the record of the person or the demon?


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  • Comments
    • Tim White
      Tim White Good question. I am certain that God will not let me make the decision. However, I see it as to be demon possessed, they walked into it volitionally so they must be responsible for any consequences of those decisions. (not sure volitionally is a word).

    • Joseph Ford
      Joseph Ford The person. The demon is already condemned.

    • Robert Lowry
      Robert Lowry This seems a somewhat academic question. If the person had accepted Jesus as their Savior, they would never have been possessed by a demon, and the sin the demon led them to would not have occurred.

      Like · Reply · 3 · 18 hrs
    • Hope McCullough
      Hope McCullough Kinda agree with Robert Lowry.

    • Steven Matthew
      Steven Matthew Robert is correct. However there is theological evidence in early church records of several levels of demonic influence that have affected believers but full possession is not possible.

    • Hope McCullough
      Hope McCullough Christians can be oppressed, but not possessed.

      Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs
    • Robert Lowry
      Robert Lowry Maybe the early church got it wrong. We are in a spiritual battle. Christians can be deceived, buffeted, and misled by Satan, but never possessed by his demons.

    • Vincent Trigili
      Vincent Trigili Robert Lowry is right. BOTH the demon and the unsaved person are already condemned. A demon can not posses a Christian, as a Christian is already possessed by the Holy Spirit.

    • Dale Agner
      Dale Agner Judas is the biblical example.

    • Joseph Ford
      Joseph Ford I would direct everyone back to Kris’ question. She didn’t ask about Christians. The people are already possessed in her question.

    • Kris Cadogan
      Kris Cadogan lol I am a male Joseph. No worries though, it comes with the name

      Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
    • Hope McCullough
      Hope McCullough If you are asking if an unsaved person is responsible for the sins committed by an indwelling demon (demon possession), I would think the answer would be yes.

    • Robert Lowry
      Robert Lowry Each unsaved person is judged at the Great White Throne judgment at the end of the Millennium. The basis of judgment is whether their name is written in the book of life, Revelation 20:15. The fact that their name is not there (never accepted Christ) is the only thing that relegates them to the lake of fire, not the number or seriousness of various other sins they committed. Apparently though the number and seriousness of sins determine degree of eternal punishment (Rev. 20:13). It’s not clear to me whether demon-induced sin is counted against the demon or the possessed person who committed it, but either way, that person is destined for eternal separation from God, unless the demon is removed from or otherwise leaves them AND they accept Jesus Christ.

    • Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
      Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil “All that we need to know is that God does govern His creatures and that His control over them is such that no violence is done to their natures. Perhaps the relationship between divine sovereignty and human freedom can best be summed up in these words: God so presents the outside inducements that man acts in accordance with his own nature, yet does exactly what God has planned for him to do.” Loraine Boettner

    • Eric Hoehn
      Eric Hoehn The Gospels tell us that Satan entered into Judas and yet Christ held him accountable for his actions

      Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
    • Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
      Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil The very reason why unbelievers are possessed by demons is because they let them in.

      Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
    • Eric Hoehn
      Eric Hoehn And actually the term possession is a very poor translation of the greek. The NT actually speaks of being “demonized” to various degrees.

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