Would like your thoughts on another matter.
Was at a session and a lady stood up and said that “She thanks God because he allows her to live in a ‘perfect’ neighborhood”, that it is like “heaven” with everyone helping each other etc. Apparently, another lady was quite upset with this statement (she sounded like she wanted to cry). The other lady said “What about people like her who live in bad areas, where there are robberies, drugs and prostitution at every street corner. Does God withhold his best from people like me?”
This dialogue that I witnessed raised the issue of inequality amongst believers. Some are being killed, other are having a fun at the movies, beach etc. Some are starving, others are having banquets. I have even heard some wish that Jesus delay his return so that they can see how their lives turn out first.
How would you guys handle this situation?
Do you think God gives 100% for some of his children and 110% for others?