Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on Angels having Souls

October 25th, 2015
Stacy Graves Mouat October 24, 2015 I have a questions for whoever is able to answer. My son is in a college Bible study and they pick various topics to discuss each week. Each week he asks me my thoughts. Tomorrow's questions/discussion is: Do angels have souls? I know they do not have bodies and they are spirits. Though they cannot be saved/redeemed, my thought is yes, they do have souls because our souls make up our mind, will and emotions. Since angels have freewill ~ indicating they can think for themselves, and . . .

Question on Trusting God taking into account His Sovereign Will

October 23rd, 2015
Kris Cadogan October 23, 2015 Can a person really trust God 100% when factoring in his sovereign/hidden will into the equation? Isn’t it almost like he is hiding part of himself from us? Example: His perfect/revealed will would have been that the inhabitants of Sodom and Tyre repented, yet he did not exhaust all of the methods to get them to repent. How can a Christian trust that God is doing all in his power to allow certain situations to be better given this information? He knew the remedy for Sodom and . . .

Discussion on a Q about high risk / extreme / dangerous sports

October 19th, 2015
Ed Chait October 19. 2015 I received an interesting question and thought I'd post it for discussion. "I understand there's have question about related to sports such as "What does the Bible say about extreme fighting / violent sports?" But what about high risk death / extreme sports such as skydiving, base jumping, or any dangerous sport. Is it sin to do sports that involved high risk death? Thank you." Like   Comment Seen by 35 Comments Kristi-Joy Matovich I've never thought . . .

Help with Question on What it Means that the Word is Alive

October 16th, 2015
Julie Kimani October 16 at 10:21am · Goodyear, AZ Just got a GREAT question. Would love some insight from you all. My contact asked, " What does it mean the word of God being alive? What is the importance of it being alive over just being the normal words that although being alive or otherwise (not sure), also have profound effect on people's characters and values?" Like   Comment Seen by 42 Kristi-Joy Matovich and Laurel J. Davis like this. Comments Evan Plante . . .

Discussion on Sermon at Funeral of an Unbeliever

October 16th, 2015
Ed Chait October 15, 2015 How do you, or in the case you don't officiate funerals, how would you officiate the funeral of someone who claimed to be an atheist and to the best of everyone's knowledge, never confessed Christ as their Savior? Like   Comment Seen by 43 Ed Romero and Wendyl Leslie like this. Comments TJ Conwell Ed ... funerals are for the living. I always preach the Gospel and let Jesus' words do the work. All you can preach is hope for those who can hear . . .

Help with a Question on Whether a Christian can Starve to Death

October 16th, 2015
Ed Romero October 15, 2015 Can a Christian starve to death? Like   Comment Seen by 33 Ed Chait likes this. Comments Ed Chait 2Th 3:10 comes to mind, but then we have Mat 6:26. Like · Reply · 17 hrs Dale Agner Yes...but where are you going with this, or what is your question behind the question? Like · Reply · 2 · 17 hrs Tim White Are you talking spiritually or are you questioning Psalm 37:25? Like . . .

Question on what it takes to work for a Bible Translation organization

October 13th, 2015
Jason Finch October 10 at 7:54am So this is an interesting question, not so much a Bible question but an educational question. Thoughts anybody? What does take to work for a Bible Translation organization; to actually be a part of editing team and type each verse and chapter when making a Bible? How many years of college do you need? Like   Comment Seen by 50 Comments Joseph Ford You must be a scholar in Greek and Hebrew first and foremost. Without a solid . . .

Help with a Question on Sharing a Church Building with a Church that has Distinct Doctrinal Differences

October 6th, 2015
Ed Romero to ‎Got Questions Writers October 6, 2015 I'd like to phone a friend: "I am part of a small church plant looking into moving to a new building. There is an Evangelical Lutheran Church that may allow us to use their facilities. After researching the ELCA denomination, they appear to be very liberal while our congregation is very conservative. We would still be our own church, but is there anything wrong with sharing a building with another congregation even if we don't agree with them? Thank you for . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement