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Discussion on a Q about high risk / extreme / dangerous sports

October 19th, 2015

October 19. 2015

I received an interesting question and thought I’d post it for discussion.

“I understand there’s have question about related to sports such as “What does the Bible say about extreme fighting / violent sports?” But what about high risk death / extreme sports such as skydiving, base jumping, or any dangerous sport. Is it sin to do sports that involved high risk death? Thank you.”

Kristi-Joy Matovich
Kristi-Joy Matovich I’ve never thought about that. interested in your response.

Deb Whittier Newman
Deb Whittier Newman I’ve wondered about that myself. My husband actually discussed it awhile back and I said, “God knows the number of our days, so what difference does it make?” His response was, “Yes, why choose that kind of death, though?” This is an interesting question!

Kristi-Joy Matovich
Kristi-Joy Matovich Well, I’d rather die that way than from cancer or something.

Trudy Vanderveen
Trudy Vanderveen I grew up with (and memorized) the Heidelberg Catechism. Q&A 105 says, “What does God require in the 6th commandment (Thou shalt not kill)? A: That I, neither in thought, nor in word or gesture, much less in deed, dishonor, hate, wound, or kill my nSee More

Deb Whittier Newman
Deb Whittier Newman I love this discussion because I’ve always wanted to know “the answer.” I think some things are just plain stupid… like bungie jumping! I know God can and will use all things to His glory… but for me many athletes have this amazing platform to convey Christ, So maybe the the REAL question, is “Does this bring honor to The Father?” Things that make you go… ‘hmmmmm”

Gwen Sellers
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TJ Conwell
TJ Conwell I think we have to take into account verses like 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and note how we are to act in this world. While these verses deal with (basically) treating your body like some sort of a personal perverted “amusement park” (to put a fine point oSee More

Deb Whittier Newman
Deb Whittier Newman “Since his days are determined, The number of his months is with You; And his limits You have set so that he cannot pass.” Job 14:5

Lincoln Bostick
Lincoln Bostick I agree with TJ, and that is, I don’t know if one is being a good steward of their temple by playing with death like that. It doesn’t seem wise either.

Dwight Payne

Whew, thank you for posting that! I just quit my job and sold my car. I will never leave the house again and expose myself to the dangers involved in driving to work
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Gina Cook
Gina Cook Is it beneficial or even necessary? I believe it falls in line with being permissible,but not beneficial and could possibly be in the arena of tempting God. I believe if one is going to highly risk their life it should be for Christ’s sake, for a brother’s life, for the spreading of the gospel. Yeah we risk our lives to some extent everyday in our vehicles, or whatever, but that is the necessity of our day, and, for the most part, is beneficial. If we drive 100 mph, no seat belt and do not heed any signs, well that’s different! I just get a kick out of seeing someone walk a tight wire with no safety gear and when they make it to the end they praise God for giving them the ability and opportunity. I’m like, yeah you better thank God but for much more than that! And like God is really pleased that you are striving so hard to be able to walk a tight rope without any safety gear? lol

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Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry Just my opinion, but seems to me folks doing extreme sports do it for the mind-altering adrenaline rush, and to a certain extent, pump up their own egos and self-pride, when with a measure of arrogance they can say (in so many words) look at me, look what I did. How is that Christ-honoring?

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Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil I Agree with Robert Lowry. It is the motive behind the performance of these extreme sports that makes them out of sync of God’s word and His will. Our duty as believers is to exalt Christ’s name and make Him known not to feed our egos and pride. Humility is hardly seen in these kinds of sports.

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Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil
Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil Now if you can honor Christ in your skydiving or base jumping, then go for it.

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Ed Chait
Ed Chait I love this question because it provokes so many different thoughts about God and theology. Stewardship, determinism vs predestination, fatalism, honor and glorification to God, Christian liberty, and I’m sure a few more things. I thought about how I would answer the question for a few hours before posting it here. As I read through everyone’s comments, I noted that each comment and stance on the matter was one that I had considered taking for my answer. I’m leaning towards how Robert and Corpuz view things.

I’m still thinking about the being a good steward of our lives angle vs our days being numbered, but from what I’ve observed, these kinds of extreme risk-taking activities seem to generally be self-aggrandizing and honoring activities rather than God-honoring.
I think it basically comes down to individual motive without us being able to judge everyone who does these things.

I also think Dwight‘s point about overeating (and other things we do) being significant risks to our lives is valid. Those types of risks just aren’t headline news.

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs

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