Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Got Questions Ministries Network Social Media

March 4th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich March 4, 2015 Morning, folks! (at least, it's morning in Colorado...) I just want to remind you all that we have multiple sites and they all have their own social media pages. Today I'm working on ways to increase our "likes" and following, so if you so desire, here's a list of places you could go like and follow: Got Questions Ministries And on Twitter: @Gotquestions @compellingtruth @412teens @GQkidz @Blogosorg No obligation . . .

Thoughts on a Question about Getting Married without a Marriage License

March 4th, 2015
Wendyl Leslie March 3 at 4:33pm Okay folks, help me out on this one: "Whenever I get married would it be wrong just to have a wedding ceremony without a marriage license so I can keep my disability benefits because that is my only income?" Can or would a pastor marry a couple without a marriage license? I also recognize that the intent of this couple is to circumvent the law by not having a civil ceremony in order to retain governmental benefits. That in itself presents a problem as well. Thanks for your input. Like . . .

Attribute of God – Omnificence

March 4th, 2015
Ed Chait March 3, 2015 I learned a new word and attribute for God that a questioner asked about in a question. It's "omnificence", which means having unlimited powers of creation. Our God is an awesome God! Unlike · Seen by 25 You, Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil and 3 others like this. Joe Maxey omnipotence... 15 hrs · Like Ed Chait My understanding is that omnipotence is an "umbrella" that covers more than one specific power, but . . .

Help on Question about Gay Rights

March 3rd, 2015
Lisa McIntosh March 1 at 10:01pm Hello all! I thought I remembered some posts from some of you or some links regarding the question I just received. If anyone would be willing to send them or your comments my way to aid me in answering this question, it would be greatly appreciated! Question 384951: Is there a contradiction between supporting Gay Rights and Gay Equality whilst still condemning homosexual acts? Like · Seen by 28 Emmanuel FixingComputers Noisette I'm curious about . . .

Thoughts on a Question about ISIS, God’s plan, and Prayer

March 2nd, 2015
Rachel Miller March 1 at 6:36pm got some ideas where I am going with this.....any other thoughts and or insights? Question 384981: Hi, I am a intercessory prayer warrior & I have been a Christian for over 30 years. As all of us Christians pray about the horror of ISIS. I find myself sometimes asking God `WHEN WILL ALL THIS HORROR STOP - WHEN WILL GOD INTERVENE - WILL GOD INTERVENE - DOES GOD HAVE A PLAN IN THIS!` Christians - Jews & even Muslims are being tortured & killed. Not to mention the horror . . .

Good Bible Questions for Church Discussion

March 1st, 2015
Tim White February 28 at 9:34pm I need some of your help. Sunday night, we are inviting the members to bring their Bible questions for discussion. No one seems to have any. Can you think of some good conversation starting questions? Like · Seen by 37 Ed Chait likes this. Jeff Laird Other than the Bible, what reasons are there to believe in Jesus? February 28 at 9:37pm · Like · 2 Ed Chait Other than the Bible, . . .

Discussion on Witnessing to Family Members

March 1st, 2015
Kris Cadogan February 28 at 4:40pm How did you guys share the gospel with your family? I am finding it hard to do so. I do not think my family outright rejects Jesus like an atheist would,I guess the best word to describe them is as being lukewarm. I pray every night that they would come to the faith and I use other "measures" to try and guide them in the right direction( since other faiths(JW,Mormons etc.) are active in trying to draw them away from God) . These measures include: 1) Giving them Got Questions' website . . .

Help on a Question regarding Christianity and Constantine

March 1st, 2015
Matthew Tyler Dunn February 27 at 7:45pm Does this question have something to do with the Da Vinci Code? I don't know the history related to this question unless the questioner is saying the Constantine altered the Bible? The following is the question: Was there a remnant that kept faithful to scripture when Christianity was "kidnapped" by Constantine? [and still subsist today...] Like · Seen by 33 Tim White When Constantine was supposedly converted, he married the state with the . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement