Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Site searches and typos / misspellings

February 6th, 2015
Shea Houdmann February 6, 2015 In the bigenning of aech new yaer, we go through the saerch logs frum the previos yaer to find all the mispellings. Then we enter them into the saerch ingine so that when poeple mispel things, the corekt artecles will still come up. Here are the most frekuentle mispeled words: adultery, alcohol, amillennialism, apocrypha, atheist, baptism, blasphemy, Buddhism, Calvinism, Catholicism, circumcision, crucifixion, dinosaurs, divorce, eunuch, Ezekiel, forgiveness, Hanukkah, homosexuality, hypocrite, . . .

Feedback on how writers feel about the “faith status” option in the questioner profile

February 6th, 2015
Ed Chait February 4 at 10:40am How is it working out for others to have the questioners have the option of indicating that they are Christians? Like · Seen by 31 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda Ramil likes this. James Toland I haven't had a question where they identified as one. February 4 at 11:06am · Like · 1 Carol Coleman I like knowing if they are a Christian or not. It helps me decide how much Bibilical background I may need to . . .

Q&A – Is God still creating?

February 4th, 2015
Ed Chait February 1 at 10:28pm · Edited I received this question and need some help. Question 380188: I came across your 'How are human souls are created?' article again, and had a question/wanted to touch on part of that article. Your quote "The weakness of Creationism is that it has God continually creating new human souls, while Genesis 2:2-3 indicates that God ceased creating." I don't think that means He stop creating indefinitely. What about when He says He goes and builds us mansions or how about the New . . .

Q&A – Does Israel own the land they are in?

February 3rd, 2015
John McPhaill February 2, 2015 Have we any person here who is historically-informed who can help me out with this question: "Does Israel own the land they are in" (more broadly-placed on my part)? Much graciousness! Like · Seen by 22 Fred Apelquist John -I'll forward an article (or 2) from Dr. Gerald McDermott of Roanoke College, who is an expert on this. Regards,Fred W. Apelquist, III(703) 459-6622 18 hrs · Like · 2 Christopher Dupre Oh, man. Don't . . .

Praises and Prayer Requests – February 2015

February 2nd, 2015
Praises and Prayer Requests: Thank you for praying for us. This month please specifically pray for: 1. Our questioners. Many of you mentioned prayer requests for questioners on the Facebook page or in the Note to Editor field. As you are aware, we receive many questions about life's hardships, struggles in relationships, struggles in church, and the like. There are also a lot of people out there confused about the truth of the Gospel and who God really is. Praise God they are seeking truth. And please keep questioners in your prayers. 2. . . .

Volunteer Profile: How long has everyone been working with GQ? And then some …

February 2nd, 2015
In January we were pleased to welcome 8 new volunteers to our team. We also celebrated several anniversaries. What anniversaries will the team be celebrating this year? Here are the numbers for 2015: 1st Anniversary – 31 volunteers will reach this milestone 2nd Anniversary – 29 volunteers will reach this milestone 3rd Anniversary – 35 volunteers will reach this milestone 4th Anniversary – 26 volunteers will reach this milestone 5th Anniversary – 21 volunteers will reach this milestone 6th Anniversary – 25 volunteers will reach . . .

Q&A of the Month for February

February 2nd, 2015
Q&A OF THE MONTH: Question: If heaven is so great, why do we take precautions to prolong our real lives (i.e., seatbelts, helmets, parachutes, etc.)? Answered by: Stacy, who was a volunteer with us for several years, took a brief hiatus, and returned to us in September 2014. Answer: Paul himself said, “Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.”(1 Corinthians 5:8). However, he also understood the reason he was left on this earth “Because we understand . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement