Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Volunteer Profile: How long has everyone been working with GQ? And then some …

February 2nd, 2015

In January we were pleased to welcome 8 new volunteers to our team. We also celebrated several anniversaries. What anniversaries will the team be celebrating this year? Here are the numbers for 2015:

1st Anniversary – 31 volunteers will reach this milestone
2nd Anniversary – 29 volunteers will reach this milestone
3rd Anniversary – 35 volunteers will reach this milestone
4th Anniversary – 26 volunteers will reach this milestone
5th Anniversary – 21 volunteers will reach this milestone
6th Anniversary – 25 volunteers will reach this milestone
7th Anniversary – 13 volunteers will reach this milestone
8th Anniversary – 10 volunteers will reach this milestone
9th Anniversary – 11 volunteers will reach this milestone
10th Anniversary – 9 volunteers will reach this milestone
11th Anniversary – 8 volunteers will reach this milestone
12th Anniversary – 7 volunteers will reach this milestone

Thank you all for spending so many years with us! We couldn’t do it without you.

Speaking of anniversaries, just how old is everyone? Well, we don’t know for sure. But, when people started volunteering, here’s what they told us:

Under 25 – Roughly 11% of volunteers
Between 25 and 40 – Roughly 24% of volunteers
Between 41 and 60 – Roughly 48% of volunteers
Over 60 – Roughly 17% of volunteers

We also thought you might like to know that about 73% of our volunteers are male and 27% are female.

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement