Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Q&A – Affairs and STDs

January 5th, 2015
Tim White January 5 at 10:20am Any fodder for: "What does the bible say about a spouse who has an affair and brings an std into the marriage?" Like · Seen by 43 Ed Chait likes this. Barbara Ann Reynolds Adultery injures the innocent party in so many ways. I've been present as an RN when we had to tell the wife that she had an STD from an unfaithful husband. Breaks my heart. January 5 at 10:26am · Like · 2 Corpuz Valdemor Avellaneda . . .

The answering process … You are not alone

January 4th, 2015
Gina Cook January 3 at 11:05pm Is it just me or is it the "easy" questions that take the most time to answer? I don't know how many times after reading the "easy" question I'm like, "oh I've got this!" and then when I go to answer it I just sit there dazed and confused, typing and deleting, typing and deleting, typing and deleting and praying for God to take the block out of my head. OH and those times I spend hours answering a question only to reread it CORRECTLY right before I get ready to send it off- realizing I . . .

Questioner Thank You

January 4th, 2015
MeLissa LeFleur Houdmann January 3, 2015 at 3:26pm This nice note came in today! "Hi there my name is Wynter and I'm 17 years old. I have been raised Lutheran and have been attending private school all my life. Sometimes I do get a million questions running through my mind as to why I believe what I do. And then I come up with reasons I shouldn't or things that just don't click in my mind about things in the bible. Literally almost every question I have is on your got questions website. I find answers that I know are . . .

Writer thank you and encouraging words

January 4th, 2015
Laurel J. Davis January 3 at 7:11pm · Los Angeles, CA A public THANK YOU to the GQ editorial staff for the opportunity to answer a question about E. Bernard Jordan in particular and seeking "prophetic counsel" in general. I honestly don't know why I felt so strongly compelled to answer this one. I don't know why I'm so close to tears about it. Although I have seen enough of Jordan on TV and enough instances of false prophecy, I have no personal experience with Jordan or with false prophets. Please pray with me for the . . .

Theology Discussion – Calvinism, Arminianism, Molinism

January 4th, 2015
Steve Ray Webb January 3, 2015 at 5:49am I have always rejected a rigid Calvinist approach to salvation because it conflicts with all the Scriptures that place emphasis on personal responsibility, both in preaching the Gospel and in receiving it. But similarly, I have always rejected a rigid Arminian approach to salvation because it limits or reduces God's omniscience. To give it a label, I guess this puts me in the Molinist camp of taking a position somewhere in the middle (described pretty well in the article below . . .

Q&A on lust … is it possible in marriage?

January 4th, 2015
Jed Kramer January 3, 2015 at 12:03am I'm working on a question and found myself in a gray area. It deals with the sin of lust. My response relates lust to covetousness. Desiring your spouse is not sin because you have committed yourselves to each other before God and others (wedding). You can't covet what is yours. An unmarried person entertaining thoughts of desire for another person is sinning. What about engagement and betrothal? Does Song of Songs suggest that entertaining such thoughts is okay for a betrothed couple? . . .

Encouraging Words

January 2nd, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore January 2, 2015· Colorado Springs, CO An encouragement for the times you get a question that makes you question humanity: "I'm thankful that you guys receive questions seriously to bring people closer to God through Jesus Christ." . . .

Looking for a Book Review on Shemitah

January 2nd, 2015
Shea Houdmann January 2 at 12:49pm Has anyone read "The Shemitah"? -…/9781629981932/…/981932 - We are receiving some questions about it and might need to publish a review of the book, or at least a discussion of the topic. Anyone interested? The Mystery of the Shemitah: The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's... Expanding on a mystery introduced in his bestseller The Harbinger, messianic rabbi Cahn explains the prophetic . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement