This nice note came in today! “Hi there my name is Wynter and I’m 17 years old. I have been raised Lutheran and have been attending private school all my life. Sometimes I do get a million questions running through my mind as to why I believe what I do. And then I come up with reasons I shouldn’t or things that just don’t click in my mind about things in the bible. Literally almost every question I have is on your got questions website. I find answers that I know are strengthening my faith. The fact that I can submit my own questions and get an answer within 1-2 days is amazing. I am so thankful I found your website! Keep doing what you are doing because my faith is strengthened each day when I have a new question and I find the answer. I also love that the answers aren’t sugarcoated. They are taken directly from scripture which ensures me that the answer I am reading is the truth. Thank you again! Have a wonderful new year!”