Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Help on a question about child molestation

January 29th, 2016
Steven Vovk January 28, 2016 Hey folks I got a tough question asking about how God allows child molestation. Any suggestions? LikeComment Seen by 32 Comments Julie Kimani The first thing that pops into my head is about this being a fallen world. Natural disasters, poverty, child molestation, all things that are horrible being a part of the consequence of the Fall. Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs Pstr Richard J Rizzi Not comforting . . .

Help on a Question regarding Isaiah 13:16 and rape

January 27th, 2016
Laurel J. Davis Janaury 26, 2016 Could use your help with this one I was just assigned. I want to be able to address her concerns about Isaiah 13:16 in particular, while at the same time (and most importantly) sharing the truth of the Gospel with her. Thank you. Here's the question: I have seen your article describing how the bible condemns rape several times but I would like to know how you respond to Isaiah 13:15-16 I genuinely care to know, I respect any and all beliefs and have no intentions of offending . . .

Input on why Got Questions allows women to answer men’s questions

January 25th, 2016
Shea Houdmann January 24, 2016 Here is an issue I'd like your input on. We allow women to answer questions submitted by men. Is this an issue for you, why or why not? See 1 Timothy 2:11-12. LikeComment Seen by 59 Ed Chait, Daniel Butt and Laurel J. Davis like this. Comments Hope McCullough Not an issue at all. Like · Reply · 20 hrs Shea Houdmann A little more information to throw into the conversation. We can't . . .

Question on describing the Trinity

January 22nd, 2016
Hope McCullough January 22 at 2:51pm How would you describe the Trinity as simply as possible? LikeComment Seen by 39 Timothy Craig Munger likes this. Comments Edie Pittard Edmondson As simply as possible? An egg? Three parts, but one whole thing. Each part has it's role, just like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Easiest way I know. Like · Reply · 2 · January 22 at 2:53pm Pstr Richard J Rizzi I use a peach... . . .

Discussion on eternity in hell

January 22nd, 2016
Ed Chait Yesterday at 1:42am Nobody spends their eternity in hell, but we say it all the time. LikeComment Seen by 38 Comments Fred Becker More accurate then would be eternal punishment. Or lake of fire. Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 3:34am Pstr Richard J Rizzi ??????? Please elaborate and cite Scripture? This is the doctrine of annihilation, maybe? What us the basis for such a statement? Like · Reply · 2 · . . .

Help with a question on marriage

January 22nd, 2016
Deb Whittier Newman January 22 at 9:01am · Katy, TX OK. I'm STUCK! A couple has been married for 4 years and the marriage was never consummated, the wife wants to leave. She says her husband will not talk to her unless she asks him a question. He won't seek counseling with her. She's begging GQ more or less, to give her permission to leave the marriage. They live in Africa. She's between 18 & 30. Is it wrong to tell her to talk to a pastor and send her away from GQ? I've already encouraged her to . . .

Free Class on the Gospel of John from Dallas Theological Seminary

January 14th, 2016
Kathy Martel January 13, 2016· Allen, TX Dallas Theological Seminary is offering a free online class- the Gospel of John! Thought I'd share it with my fellow writers here, since it's such a rich book of the Bible! smile emoticon Study the Gospel of John with DTS Study the Gospel of John with Dallas Theological Seminary – for free. For more than 90 years, Dallas Theological Seminary has educated thousands of pastors, teachers, missionaries and scholars, using the Bible as the . . .

Discussion on Self-Defense

January 14th, 2016
James Toland January 13, 2016 I'm probably opening a can of worms here, so apologies in advance, but I really am curious as to what y'all think about this article from John Piper,…/should-christians-be-encourage… It is supposed to be focused primarily on Christians and concealed carry but he actually takes a stance against self-defense and defense of others, even family members altogether and that if this truly is not our home and we believe God is in control, we should never defend . . .

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a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement