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Discussion on eternity in hell

January 22nd, 2016

Nobody spends their eternity in hell, but we say it all the time.

Fred Becker
Fred Becker More accurate then would be eternal punishment. Or lake of fire.

Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi ??????? Please elaborate and cite Scripture?
This is the doctrine of annihilation, maybe? What us the basis for such a statement?

Ed Chait
Ed Chait Hell is temporary, lake of fire is eternal.

Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi So, your perspective is that Hades is hell? I can live with that.
My view is that Hades is in Sheol and its cast into the LoF and that LoF is Hell.
Bottom line – eternal suffering no matter what we call it.

Pstr Richard J Rizzi's photo.
Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi AB – Abraham’s bosom.

Gwen Sellers

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Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi Also found this –

The meanings of the words Hades, Sheol, Gehenna, Tophet, and the Lake of Fire provide a better understanding of the destiny of the wicked. Other terms such as Paradise, Abraham’s Bosom, Tartarus, Abyss, and the grave are also examined.
Ed Chait
Ed Chait I agree, eternal suffering no matter what we call it.

Deb Whittier Newman
Deb Whittier Newman I just can’t let myself get lost in the weeds. It’s bad. I don’t want to go to any of it and I want God to use me to plant seeds, harvest crops and encourage others so that they don’t have to worry about it either! One day we’ll know all we need to know and I’m good with that! wink emoticon

Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi Some will find truth as we use weed killer. smile emoticon

Pstr Richard J Rizzi
Pstr Richard J Rizzi after some more thinking… I personally do not think its really a secondary or insignificant doctrine – the issue of eternal condemnation.
Part of the gospel is the contrast of God’s justice. He cannot accept sin in His kingdom so He must condemn people to an eternity apart from Him.
Hell was never created for mankind but for Satan and the angels who followed him. God created Hell to contain all that sin is.
In this circle of writers for GQ, we can wade through “weeds” together for the purpose of growing deeper in our faith and encourage one another to dig real deep in the Word.
We may never talk with an unbeliever about the subject above but we might get a question regarding this.
How will we answer if or when it comes?
I feel confident that I will be ready and would like to encourage all of us to be ready with an answer.

Like · Reply · 2 · 16 hrs · Edited
Steve Ray Webb
Steve Ray Webb It just felt that way when we were living in Nigeria.

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Brian Marcum
Brian Marcum Very interesting thoughts – that’s for posting.

Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs
Ed Chait
Ed Chait I’m glad I tossed it out there.

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