Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Encouraging testimonial

November 2nd, 2015
Elizabeth DeVore October 30 at 8:18am A "question": After reading "Proof of Heaven", I received an email from this group: about an online event. When I read their page, I did not see any reference to Jesus so I wrote and asked them what does Eben Alexander do with Jesus? You can probably guess-the condensed version is that Jesus was a prophet. I forwarded it to a Biblically knowledgeable friend who said it was a cult and "preterism"-to google it. I had never heard . . .

Discussion on paranormal and GQ’s article

November 2nd, 2015
Jed Kramer November 1, 2015 I asked a group of teens I work with what they'd like to study this past week. They said 'spirits, ghosts, paranormal'. So, I put a brief scripture study together for them (pasted at the bottom if you're interested). The discussion was far richer than I thought it might be. I was encouraged that they were able to identify unhealthy spiritual practices and experimentation in today's culture. I was further encouraged that most of them had a great grasp of God's power and protection over us. . . .

Blogos highlight – Caring for Refugees

October 29th, 2015
Kristi-Joy Matovich Yesterday at 2:23pm Hey everyone, this piece is both touching and important, so I wanted to highlight it to you all. Thanks to Elizabeth DeVore for bringing it to my attention and doing the work of editing and publishing it. Sojourns of the Children of Abraham: A Story of Syrian Refugees Three children of Abraham meet in a clinic in a train station. One has nothing, one has shoes, and one… BLOGOS.ORG Like   Comment   Share Seen . . .

Discussion on God speaking to us

October 29th, 2015
Jason Finch October 28, 2015 Hello brothers and sisters, I have a question that may be sensitive to some. Often I hear people saying, "the Lord told me..." And "God said..." And every time I hear that it is always in reference to what that person desires or wants to do. Here's an example, someone said, that God told him that him and his wife (who was already pregnant) were going to have a son and that they were to name the child a specific name. But low and behold they did not have a son, rather, they had a daughter . . .

Discussion on Angels having Souls

October 25th, 2015
Stacy Graves Mouat October 24, 2015 I have a questions for whoever is able to answer. My son is in a college Bible study and they pick various topics to discuss each week. Each week he asks me my thoughts. Tomorrow's questions/discussion is: Do angels have souls? I know they do not have bodies and they are spirits. Though they cannot be saved/redeemed, my thought is yes, they do have souls because our souls make up our mind, will and emotions. Since angels have freewill ~ indicating they can think for themselves, and . . .

Question on Trusting God taking into account His Sovereign Will

October 23rd, 2015
Kris Cadogan October 23, 2015 Can a person really trust God 100% when factoring in his sovereign/hidden will into the equation? Isn’t it almost like he is hiding part of himself from us? Example: His perfect/revealed will would have been that the inhabitants of Sodom and Tyre repented, yet he did not exhaust all of the methods to get them to repent. How can a Christian trust that God is doing all in his power to allow certain situations to be better given this information? He knew the remedy for Sodom and . . .

Discussion on a Q about high risk / extreme / dangerous sports

October 19th, 2015
Ed Chait October 19. 2015 I received an interesting question and thought I'd post it for discussion. "I understand there's have question about related to sports such as "What does the Bible say about extreme fighting / violent sports?" But what about high risk death / extreme sports such as skydiving, base jumping, or any dangerous sport. Is it sin to do sports that involved high risk death? Thank you." Like   Comment Seen by 35 Comments Kristi-Joy Matovich I've never thought . . .

Encouraging words from a site user

October 18th, 2015
I have been going through some of your questions and answers and find it very interesting and most them go deep in explaining every question asked. Like in my country Nigeria most especially Northern part we've facing challenges that one has to go on researh and deep study in order to convinced some one that come up with questions. We are living with muslim in my country some of them want to know the truth and come to the faith, while others throw challenging question. Even some of our christian brothers in faith need to be enlighten. You guys are . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement