Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Discussion on paranormal and GQ’s article

November 2nd, 2015

November 1, 2015

I asked a group of teens I work with what they’d like to study this past week. They said ‘spirits, ghosts, paranormal’. So, I put a brief scripture study together for them (pasted at the bottom if you’re interested). The discussion was far richer than I thought it might be. I was encouraged that they were able to identify unhealthy spiritual practices and experimentation in today’s culture. I was further encouraged that most of them had a great grasp of God’s power and protection over us. I was surprised, however, that many kids have experienced ‘strange occurrences’ that they attribute to ‘ghostly activity’. All in all, we arrived at the same conclusions as the recent ‘Paranormal’ GQ article.

However, the article said
“A common misconception is that disembodied spirits can remain on earth or perhaps come back to “haunt” or otherwise interact with us. However, nothing in the Bible supports this belief.”
Deut 18:10 implies that we are able to interact with spirits of the dead. 1 Samuel tells us that Saul found a medium to conjure the spirit of Samuel from the dead…who then interacted with Saul. Luke 9:30-36 reveals an interesting account in which Jesus’ interaction with spirits Moses & Elijah was actually a positive thing. It seems like the commonality between these scriptures is that it is the living that must ‘call up’ the deceased. Even so, such interaction is found in the Bible.

Where do we get the idea that spirits of the deceased can’t interact with the living? …other passages, extra-Biblical church doctrine? Is there scripture that clearly limits the activity of spirits of the deceased?

As far as I’m concerned, this question doesn’t affect my life in any way. Nor will it impact guidance I provide my children or others in their walk with Christ. The only benefit is being ready with the most reliable answer for anyone who asks.

Jed Kramer
Jed Kramer Oh, here’s the study…As a Large group, identify a few ghost-like or spirit-like things that are currently ‘popular’.
Summary of truths from: (1 Timothy 1:17, Hebrews 1:7, Revelation 12:9-12, Matthew 8:28-32, Job 1:6-12, Isaiah 41:10, Romans 8:38, Jam
es 4:7)
God is a spiritual being. He isn’t limited by a physical body. God created angels who are also spiritual beings. Some of them rebelled against God and were thrown out of God’s presence. Lucifer, the devil, is the leader of those rebellious angels that we call demons.
God still has authority over the devil and demons, but he does allow them to have some degree of influence in this world. They use whatever influence they are allowed in an attempt to draw people away from God.
However, God tells us not to be afraid. He promises to always be with us. God tells us to obey him and stay close to him. If we do this and resist the devil, the devil will have to leave us alone.
Deuteronomy 18:10
Let no one be found among you … who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in
witchcraft, casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these
things is detestable to the LORD.

– What kinds of ‘modern’ things does this verse mean for us NOT to get involved with?

– Why do you think God tells us NOT to get involved with the things listed in Deut 18:10?

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
– Are ‘spirits’ and ghosts real? If so, why should we NOT be afraid of ‘evil spirits’ and such?
– What should we do if we see or hear something ‘evil’ and ‘scary’?

There are actually some pretty interesting stories in the Bible about spirits, some good, some bad. However,
they are a relatively small part of what God tells us in his Word. God’s word says a whole lot more about his
love for us, his promises to us, the power we have to live a victorious life through him, and how he expects us
to treat one another. Following God’s lead, we should spend the majority of our time learning about these
things. Even so, those of you who want to read a bit more about spiritual encounters in the Bible may find the
following sections interesting…

Job 1:1-12
1 Samuel 15:10 – 16:23 , 18:10-12 , 28:7-17
Numbers 22:1 – 24:13
Matthew 8:28-33
Luke 9:28-36
Luke 22:41-43
Acts 5:12-29
Acts 10:1-45
Acts 19:11-19
Revelation 20:10

James Toland
James Toland I actually have a question about this as well. I don’t believe in ghosts, at least the theory that souls remain behind on earth , but in Luke 24:39 Jesus says, “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” He state what they don’t have, not that they don’t exist. This puzzles me.

Blaine Cardilli
Blaine Cardilli If I may add some insight as I sit here drinking my morning coffee? James.. In Luke 24:39 the English word in the King James is “ghost” but the actual Greek word used in the original text/language is “pneuma”, or ‘spirit’; Now the Bible teaches that we all in effect are “spirits” and that we live in a body, so Jesus was simply saying that the spirit part of a man doesn’t have a solid body as His Resurrection body certainly had; To see a dead man alive, (a “ghost”), one would not expect to be able to touch them; To answer your initial question, “He states what they don’t have, not that they don’t exist”, needs basic clarification about their existence; Jesus actually said, “a spirit does not have flesh & bones as you see I have”; He didn’t need to deny the existence of the “spirit man” because that’s what we all are…. The clarification is that when a man dies, his spirit, (what you & I would consider the ghost part), DOES EXIST but the question then becomes WHERE DO THEY GO? Do they stay behind? The Bible says ‘no’; In 2Corinthians 5:8 Paul tells us that, (for the believer), to be apart from the body is to be present with the Lord” and in Philippians 1:23 he says again that if he were to depart from his body he would be in the presence of Christ. For the unbelievers, Jesus Himself clarified in Luke 16:22-23 that when the Beggar died, he was carried by the angels to the bosom of Abraham, (Paradise), but the Rich Man died and went to hell where he suffered. There’s your clarification.

The actual word for “ghost” is ‘ekpneo’ or ‘ekpsucho’, the meaning of which is different than what our English would suggest; The Greek means “to breathe out”; “to expire”, (“ek” being ‘out’ and ‘pneuma’ or ‘psucho’ being “to breathe”).. In reading the Bible we have to be careful to remember that our English translations are a mere rendering of the original base languages used, namely Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic. Hope this helped some. Great study, and I hope I didn’t interfere or step on your toes Jed! wink emoticon

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Robert Lowry
Robert Lowry No experiences personally with this kind of thing, but have always thought that where such occurs it’s because of demonic activity. There is a massive spiritual battle going on between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. 1 Peter 5:8: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour”.

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