Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Encouraging testimonial

November 2nd, 2015

A “question”:

After reading “Proof of Heaven”, I received an email from this group: about an online event. When I read their page, I did not see any reference to Jesus so I wrote and asked them what does Eben Alexander do with Jesus? You can probably guess-the condensed version is that Jesus was a prophet. I forwarded it to a Biblically knowledgeable friend who said it was a cult and “preterism”-to google it. I had never heard of preterism so I googled it and came to your page. I have now been educated in this false doctrine; before I could only discern that it reeked of anti-Christ and new age ideology. Thank you for having this page up to educate people about false doctrines. I have unsubscribed to that other list, and subscribed to yours smile emoticon God bless you, and I guess we should be praying for all those involved with this “online event”. It is sad to me, because this neurosurgeon who wrote his book about a near-death experience was given a second chance at life and he seems to have missed the spiritual implications totally. He doesn’t even think Jesus is worth mentioning. Thanks again~

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement