Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Writing Tips from the Team

August 1st, 2017
One of our new volunteers, Myles B, asked for some advice from other writers on our Facebook group before starting out, and several responded. We thought it would be helpful for all to see. Thanks so much for your input! From Myles: Before I get my first question in a few days; any advice for me? I've been counseling primarily police and a military for the last eleven years, but typically face to face. I am aware that when I "text" I can come off as aggressive and I know I am embarking on an entirely new area here. I don't want to inadvertently . . .

15th Anniversary Training Sessions

July 7th, 2017
We had a great time at our 15-year anniversary celebration in late June. Thank you so much for your prayers for the event! Thank you, too, to all who came; it was wonderful to meet you! And thank you to those who participated via Facebook; it was great to have you present from afar. For those who were unable to attend, know you were missed and that we are grateful to you as well. We're always happy to meet our volunteers, so if you ever find yourself in Colorado Springs, please come say hello. If you are interested in any of the training sessions, . . .

Reminders on Answering Questions

June 2nd, 2017
Just a few things to remember as we head into summer: - Summer brings about travel, out of town guests, and stay-cations for many. If you will be unavailable to answer questions for any reason, please be sure to let us know so we can mark you out. - If you receive a question that you will not have time to answer, do not know how to answer, or do not want to answer, please request reassignment as soon as possible. The due dates on questions do not change, so we need to reassign them as soon as possible to give the next writer enough time to respond . . .

Testimonials from May 2017

June 2nd, 2017
From a questioner: "Once again, thank you very much for your answer, Your work for the LORD will not be in vain...Your answer will contribtue in my studies... We'll be praying for you and your ministry... Declaring more of Jesus Christ in you... Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Untill my next question to you my beloved fellow Christian!" From a site user: "This is not a question, but I wanted to credit you for helping me in answering someone on another forum, as follows: (excerpt)"... Some would argue that, as Jesus says in John 3.5 "Very truly I tell . . .

Sample Q&A from January 2017

February 1st, 2017
Question: Does the Bible teach that we are to confess each sin by name? Answered by: Fritz Awig, who has been a volunteer with us since January, 2009. Answer: Confession of sins is an important part of the Christian walk with God. Certainly 1 John 1:9 is one of the most familiar passages on this topic: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." There is a great deal of comfort in this verse because of God's promise to forgive our sins when we confess them to Him. That . . .

Testimonials from January 2017

February 1st, 2017
From a questioner: "Hello am Ian from kenya, am new believer and am thankful that it is your site that made me come to understanding of the deference between the law and grace of through Christ and I understood why Jesus came down from heaven to die for us of which we are the ones who were supposed to die coz of our sins. Now I really want to have a very good understanding of the word of God that's why I have the following questions resulting from the book of corinthians I just read below. ..." From a questioner: "I was recently saved by Gods . . . 15-Year Anniversary Celebration Official RSVP Info

February 1st, 2017
You should have received an email invitation from us earlier this month, but in case you are a new volunteer or missed the email … You and your families are cordially invited to's 15-year Anniversary Celebration! When: June 20—24, 2017 Where: Colorado Springs, CO, USA What: The celebration will be held Tuesday evening through Saturday morning and will include several optional ministry-related events, such as fellowship, training, and brainstorming. There will also be plenty of time for you to enjoy the beautiful Colorado . . .

Sample Q&As from December 2016

January 2nd, 2017
Question: It has been 10 years since my conversion, and I have made attempts to evangelize, and in at least 2 of those attempts, the subject said they got saved. If I let fear, laziness, or inexperience keep me from telling others about Jesus, then is this idolatry? Galatians 5:19-21 says: "Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement