Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Sample Q&A from June 2018

July 2nd, 2018
**This response has logical flow and clarity. Terms are defined, biblical support is used, and the tone is personable. It answers the inquiry thoroughly and directly and also engages with the questioner in a meaningful way.** Question:Should we be called "Servant of God", "Man of God", or "son of God"? Which is the best ? Profile: Male, 18-30, Africa, New Christian Answered by: Dave Ernst, who has been a volunteer with us since September, 2011. Answer: Dear Friend, Thanks so much for writing in with your question. Each of those phrases/title . . .

Testimonials from June 2018

July 2nd, 2018
From a questioner: "Thank you also for allowing questions to be asked here. I've asked so many questions over the years and have received so many wonderful, compassionate, well-thought out responses for which I'm very grateful. God bless you!" From a questioner: "By the way, '' is one of my favorite go-to sites when I research the articles that I submit to our local newspaper. Kudos to all of your staff for all that you do for us and may our Lord truly bless you and your families!" From a questioner: "Thank you for taking notice . . .

Sample Q&A from May 2018

June 4th, 2018
** This response is well organized, thorough, and personable. It answers the question clearly, with good explanation and support, and has a friendly tone. Question: Why should a Christian study eschatology? Questioner profile: Male, Over 60, North America, Christian Answered by: Bob Lowry, who has been a volunteer with us since June, 2010. Answer: Thank you for asking about why Christians should study eschatology. Eschatology is that aspect of theology concerned with final events in the history of the world or of humankind. Scripture, . . .

Testimonials from May 2018

June 4th, 2018
From a questioner: Thanks so much for your informative answer! It opened up my eyes to a lot in God's word. The story about Nadab and Abihu is what made me wonder about this. It made me wonder why God got so upset over their "unauthorized" fire offering, but after reading that passage more closely, I do now see that God had precise instructions regarding the exact source of the fire that he demanded. Thanks for all that you do. God bless. From a questioner: Hello, I first want to thank GotQuestions for being such a great resource to me and helping . . .

Answering Tips

May 1st, 2018
Remember that responses are personal correspondence, so please feel free to respond to questioners as individuals.   It's often helpful to rephrase the question at the beginning of your response to help focus the response and to facilitate correct understanding.   Defining easily misunderstood terms, theological jargon, or buzz words that can mean different things to different people is a good way to ensure clarity. It might be appropriate to link to a article as a short-hand . . .

Sample Q&As from April 2018

May 1st, 2018
**This is a good example of using a seemingly simple question to further God's truth and encourage a questioner in following Him. The response is easy to understand and kind in tone. Question:I stopped listening to podcasts on a daily basis and only read the Bible now. I have found so much peace, why is that? Answered by: Julio Cotto, who has been a volunteer with us since March, 2009. Answer: The Bible is the living Word of God, and as we immerse ourselves in God's Word, we feel the peace and change that it brings as we set our minds on . . .

YouTube Channel

April 2nd, 2018
We're continually expanding our YouTube channel with new videos. If you've not seen them, you can check them out here: The majority of our videos are linked to our articles, but we thought there was room for a little fun, too … This video features some epic auto-correct fails in the Q&A system: Enjoy! We also have a new Got Questions Ministries informational video in the works. So please be praying for that. We'll let you know when . . .

Happy birthday – a memory from MeLissa

February 28th, 2018
Happy 16th birthday to! This is how I remember February 12, 2002: Shea was running a little website called Theology 101 on Geocities, but had been talking about moving to a "real url." While watching TV in our tiny apartment in Kansas City, a Got Milk? commercial came on. Shea: "Got Milk? What do you think about that?" MeLissa: "I like milk... especially chocolate milk. When I was a kid my mom would sometimes reward me with chocolate milk if I behaved in the grocery store." Shea: "I mean for the website. What about Got Questions?" . . .

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement