Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement

Happy birthday – a memory from MeLissa

February 28th, 2018

Happy 16th birthday to! This is how I remember February 12, 2002:

Shea was running a little website called Theology 101 on Geocities, but had been talking about moving to a “real url.” While watching TV in our tiny apartment in Kansas City, a Got Milk? commercial came on.

Shea: “Got Milk? What do you think about that?”
MeLissa: “I like milk… especially chocolate milk. When I was a kid my mom would sometimes reward me with chocolate milk if I behaved in the grocery store.”
Shea: “I mean for the website. What about Got Questions?”
MeLissa: “Yep. I like it.”
Shea: “Ok.”
He walks into the office/bedroom and buys…. thinking it would be a fun hobby.

Thanks to our holy God, all you amazing volunteers, the top-notch staff, and the inquisitive visitors!

Happy sweet sixteen,! 🎉

Team GotQuestions Blog

a Blog for Sharing Stories, Tips & Encouragement